Fan Feedback to Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3 Helped to Shape Advanced Warfare’s Exo Survivor Mode

Sledgehammer Games has said that character persistence was added to Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare’s Exo Survivor mode as a result of fan feedback to the survivor mode in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare 3. Unlike Modern Warfare 3, Advanced Warfare’s Exo Survivor mode will allow players to retain their progression and unlocked abilities over the course of a session. Speaking to Eurogamer, Sledgehammer’s Glen Schofield said:

Because of the persistence we know people will enjoy it [Advanced Warfare’s Survivor Exo mode] a lot more. One of the things we heard on the last game was, when you died you have to start all over again. We found people really like to invest in their character. This one is about investing in a character, investing in your team and working your way through the different waves in different levels on different maps.

Schofield also said that the Exo Survivor mode will be unlimited, allowing players to take on “wave after wave.”

Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare is scheduled for release in November.

[Source: Eurogamer]

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