Ask PSLS – Gaming Guilty Pleasures

Ask PSLS is a feature that sources questions from our community of readers via TwitterFacebookthe forums, and even your emails. If you have a question for the staff to answer, contact us at any of those channels and you could be featured on the next Ask PSLS, with the possibility of winning a prize for being chosen!

Ask PSLS was delayed this week to allow the staff a little bit more time to think of answers to a bit of a deeper question. We wanted to know what everyone’s gaming guilty pleasures are, whether it be a specific game, or something that they do while gaming. Some of the staff may have been too embarrassed to reveal theirs to the world, but here are everyone else’s guilty gaming pleasures. 

Cameron Teague (@Cameron_PSLS)

I like to dress up like a court jester and do magic tricks whenever a cutscene comes on. Then during gameplay, I turn evil and use foul language to belittle all those around me in the room and those characters on the TV screen. While all this is going on, I have a robot I built that messages Alex every hour on the hour to let him know exactly what I think of him.

Chandler Wood (@FinchStrife)

As a Trophy hunter, I like to go for complete trophy lists, and in reviewing games, sometimes that means going back to an old game that I reviewed badly and continuing to play it for a Platinum. To this end, I also hoard games badly, both digitally and physically, as I never feel comfortable deleting or selling one until I have the trophy list complete. Oh, and I also thought WonderBook (which I got for $12 with Book of Spells on Amazon) was pretty cool AR technology, just very poorly marketed…

D’yani Wood (@Dyani)

My gaming guilty pleasure is any tycoon or tycoon-ish time-management game. I love playing all of them. I don’t care of it’s in the form of a free app, paid app, old java game online, obscure PC game for $10 at Wal-Mart, or a full-fledged Civ game. Every so often I do a Google search for “best free tycoon game” to see if any new ones have cropped up that I haven’t played yet. For example, I’ve spent hours playing the original Roller Coaster Tycoon on Xbox (one, as in the first one) and PC. I still love it!

Dan Oravasaari (@FoolsJoker)

If you have listened to Bad Gamers in the past, you would know that I don’t really feel guilty about any of my gaming habits. I like what I like, and I couldn’t care less what anyone else thinks about those games. Whether it is an obscure Japanese title from the PSone generation, or playing a game designed for kids as an adult, there are going to be at least hundreds of other people just like me, and that is just one of the things that makes gaming so great.

Paulmichael Contreras (@T3mpr1x)

My guilty pleasure is playing freemium games. I detest their business model, because they scam people out of a lot of money. I knew a classmate who had spent over $600 on Game of War, for example. However, I derive pleasure from these games by not paying a single cent, and still leveling up just as high as someone who has paid out the ass for it. A great example is The Simpsons: Tapped Out on my Android devices. I’ve yet to spend a cent on it, but here I am at the current maximum level, with every base character unlocked, and almost 170 donuts (the in-game premium currency). I like to think growing up with RPGs such as Pokémon taught me the value of the manual grind — there’s nothing as rewarding in gaming as seeing hours of hard work paying off when you unlock a super-rare/premium item, and for that, I am grateful (as is my wallet!).

Zarmena Khan (@Zarmena)

Not sure if this is something I should disclose but I often drink hot tea while gaming. Yes, that’s my guilty pleasure!

What is your gaming guilty pleasure? Remember to send us questions for Ask PSLS on TwitterFacebookthe forums, and email. Be sure to check back next Wednesday to see what question the PSLS staff will be answering!