PlayStation LifeStyle PlayList is coming to you this week in its new form: Weekend Gaming. A much simpler title, the concept is the same. We’re still letting you know what we’ll be playing this weekend, but hopefully in an easier to digest format that helps give you some suggestions for games to check out. And there are pictures now. I know that I like pictures. I hope you do too. Enjoy the reinvented playlist!
Here’s what everyone is playing this weekend:
Did you like any of our suggestions? Let us know what you’ll be playing over the weekend.
Weekend Gaming Feb 14, 2015
Alex Co
I'll most likely get some Evolve time, as well as play some more Transistor before checking in some other games I can clear before The Order comes in and consumes my gaming time.
Cameron Teague
A Realm Reborn and FIFA 15.
Chandler Wood
I'm playing a bit more Hand of Fate to have a full review to you by release day, and I've also got to... ahem... get some things "in Order" this weekend.
Dan Oravasaari
Since my new New Nintendo 3DS wont be in until Wednesday next week, the majority of my weekend will be spent longingly staring at my copy of Super Smash Bros 3DS. I will also be doing a bit more running around Assassin's Creed Unity, as there really is just too much to do in that game.
D'yani Wood
My gaming area is now home to a bunch of boxes that we had to move to gain access to our crawlspace when a pipe burst, and Chandler will be busy with reviews on his PS4, so my weekend is going to be spent reading Unbroken.
Erren Van Duine
This weekend I'll probably log back in to Final Fantasy XIV and finish gearing up my second character. Or at least trying to. The goal is to finish taking it through the game's high-end raid just as my main character has.
Louis Edwards
Will be looking for those missing collectibles in Dying Light and slicing my way through as many zombies as possible. May spend some time with Destiny, but once you hit 32 what's the point?
Mack Ashworth
I've just impulse bought a New 3DS XL, so I'll be playing The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask!
Mark Labbe
I'll be playing Evolve mostly -- really digging the support class! -- and I'll probably spend some time with the new piece of Dying Light DLC.
Paulmichael Contreras
With my Evolve review done, I'm going to head back to Grand Theft Auto V on my PS4, and Rogue Legacy on my Vita. No one understands why I enjoy Rogue Legacy when I die so frequently. They'll never understand my struggle!
Stephen Bitto
Finishing Far Cry 4 this weekend to clear the docket for The Order!
Zarmena Khan
If I get time, I'll either play a little bit of Apotheon or try to make some progress in Sleeping Dogs (PS3). I started its campaign years ago but couldn't bring myself to finish it. Honestly, I'm just eagerly awaiting The Order: 1886 and trying to kill some time until then.