KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~ allows you to date dudes who look like aliens, snakes, or possibly alien snakes, and then whip them. I just got a kick out of the art here, mostly. I just find it hilarious.
At least it’s nice to see that these anime dating sims are equal opportunity in making characters look completely different from real humans. Some of these faces made me laugh right out loud.
More Import Japanese Games:
KLAP Kind Love and Punish
Hahaha Holy Shit
Are you dating some kind of pit viper in this game?
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
She looks absolutely terrified, probably because he looks like he is going to jam is tongue into her skull and devour her brain.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
Secret Mission: Find Out How and Why This Man's Hair is Transparent.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
We laugh together before we drink the blood of man.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
And just like that, Japan's birth rate takes another step down.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
Don't ask if his neck hurts.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
No caption really needed here. A heart meter, a grimace, a combo counter, a whip, and a...Good?
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
This is either a great Metallica album or...
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
Guy is copying my haircut.
KLAP!! ~Kind Love And Punish~
Heheh, jokes for laughing.