Shenmue 3 PayPal Backing Now Available

If you wanted to contribute to Shenmue 3’s development but couldn’t fund it via Kickstarter before, then this should be good news for you — if you use PayPal that is.

The Shenmue 3 PayPal Backer Slacker is now open, which means you have time to add to Shenmue 3’s monstrous $6.3 million bank. With 105 days left, I wouldn’t be surprised if it closes near $10.

Here’s the official blurb on the PayPal backer page:

For everyone who could not participate in the Shenmue III Kickstarter, we have heard your voice! Here is one more chance to show your support and make Shenmue III even better. All funding collected here will be added to the Kickstarter total for the game’s development.

You can donate via PayPal to Shenmue 3 here. 

How much money do you think Shenmue 3’s PayPal Slacker Backer will end with?

[Source: Shenmue 3 (Twitter)]