Volume PlayStation VR Support Arrives in 2016, Free VR DLC Coming First to PS4

Released in August on PlayStation 4, Volume from Mike Bithell is getting an expansion titled Volume: Coda, which will be coming first to PlayStation VR at launch in the first half of 2016.

Available for free to all Volume owners, Volume: Coda picks up after the events of the core game and sees you playing as a new character, “brought in as a last resort by the villains hurt most by Locksley’s revolution.” You’ll also find 30 new levels, a new voice cast, and a new VR setting as you take on the role of The Troubleshooter.

Additionally, when PlayStation VR launches in 2016 (Bithell doesn’t know the exact date), you’ll be able to play Volume’s core campaign in VR. He adds, “You’ll also have access to all the user generated levels and, of course, the curated Staff Picks section where we highlight the best levels designed by the community.”

If you’ve yet to purchase Volume, it’s 30% off (now $13.99 USD) on the PlayStation Store until November 4 in celebration of the recent Checkpoints Update, which adds new modes and leaderboards.

As for the PlayStation Vita version, it’s still happening and will still include cross-buy with PS4. Unfortunately, development is taking longer than expected:

We’ve hit some roadblocks, which slowed us down. Rushing out a weak port wasn’t an option, and I’m proud of what the team have managed to squeeze into that awesome little platform. Oh, and the Checkpoints Update is also absolutely included in the Vita version. Cannot wait for you folks to be able to check it out, and it doesn’t look like it’ll be too much of a wait.

Will you be playing Volume in virtual reality next year?

[Source: PS Blog]