If you were looking forward to playing Street Fighter V and taunting opponents while singing “Butt slap, baby, butt slap” to the tune of “Love Shack,” prepare to be disappointed.
Capcom has removed R. Mika’s signature slapping of buttock from her Critical Art. Moreover, Mika and her partner Nadeshiko will not split an opponents legs apart, but instead just, uh, do the same move in a different way. Observe the Before and After shots thanks to NeoGAF:
There is no costume change, the essence of the move remains the same, butt there is no longer a full shot of the cheek slap before the Critical Art. The camera is up a bit higher.
Street Fighter V is scheduled for a mid February release around the world, butt is your pre-order now cancelled?
- Street Fighter V Data Files Name Post-Launch Characters
- Street Fighter V Beta Schedule
- Only 1 Version of Street Fighter 5; Capcom Unsure of DLC Prices
Street Fighter 5 Censored Arts
Butt Slap - Before
Butt Slap - After
Leg Split - Before
Leg Split - After