While Star Wars fans anxiously wait until next week in order to live out our Star Wars fantasies, we already have Star Wars Battlefront for the PlayStation 4! Naturally, it’s for review purposes, but we definitely can’t resist the temptation of The Dark Side to live-stream it well ahead of launch. This time, we will at some point attempt some split screen action!
Our actual review will be up early next week, you can check out how Battlefront looks like on the PS4 in the video embedded above. Bear in mind that there is some — or a lot — of YouTube compression going on, so the game should look even better once you’re watching it on your own console.
In the meantime, you can check out the complete list of weapons, Star Cards, Traits and Power Ups in Star Wars Battlefront in the gallery below.
Stay tuned to our Star Wars Battlefront review next week! In the meantime, check out our early impressions piece from the final build here.
Star Wars Battlefront - Complete List of Weapons, Star Cards, Traits and Powerups in the Base Game
Star Wars Battlefront - Complete List of Weapons, Star Cards, Traits and Powerups in the Base Game
DH-17 Blaster Pistol
The DH-17 is a fully automatic blaster pistol. Its high rate of fire, along with reasonable accuracy, make it an ideal weapon for medium-range combat.
DLT-19 Heavy Blaster
The DLT-19 is a heavy blaster with an excellent rate of fire that deals heavy damage at long range, capable of pinning down troops and taking out large groups of enemies.
RT-97C Heavy Blaster
The RT-97C is a versatile heavy blaster, fitted with optics to allow use at long range.
A280C Blaster Rifle
A280C is a sturdy and powerful blaster rifle that has a high rate of fire and excellent firepower. Modified from the A280 rifle, it was the favored weapon of Alliance commandos.
CA-87 Shock Blaster
The CA-87 is a retro-fitted Jawa blaster that is extremely deadly at short range, but near useless at medium and long range.
E-11 Blaster Rifle
A powerful and accurate blaster rifle, the E-11 is ideal for use in all environments. It has been adopted as the standard weapon of the Imperial forces.
T-21 Heavy Blaster
The T-21 is a robust heavy blaster that delivers massive damage at long ranges. Its only drawback is its slow rate of fire and lack of optics.
SE-14C Blaster Pistol
The SE-14C is a blaster pistol that fires 5-round bursts, making it ideal for close-quarter combat.
EE-3 Blaster Rifle
The EE-3 is an optically fitted Blaster Rifle capable of 3-round burst fire at long ranges.
T-21B Targeting Rifle
The T-21B is a refined version of the T-21, combining the power of a heavy blaster with the precision and range of a blaster rifle.
DL-44 Blaster Pistol
The DL-44 is one of the most powerful blaster pistols in the galaxy. It delivers massive damage at close range, but overheats quickly.
Star Cards
Thermal Detonator
The most popular and widely used grenade in the galaxy. It is easy to use and has deadly results.
Scout Pistol
A light side-arm effective at taking out opponents at close range. Quickly loses its capabilities at longer distances.
Ion Torpedo
A homing ion torpedo that is designed to deal heavy damage to vehicles and stationary weapons.
Pulse Cannon
An incredibly powerful long-range rifle utilizing the frame assembly of a DLT-20A, the so-called "pulse cannon" has become the weapon of choice for many sharpshooters. The power of its shot is dependent on the charge-up time.
Impact Grenade
Having a smaller blast radius than a Thermal Detonator, the Impact Grenade explodes directly on contact with any object.
Ion Grenade
An ion grenade that delivers massive damage against vehicles, shields, and droids.
Homing Shot
A homing shot that locks on to enemy soldiers from afar.
Jump Pack
Back mounted Jump Pack that utilizes burst thrusters to allow its user to jump over large distances. It is well suited for traversing obstructions and evading danger.
Smoke Grenade
Smoke grenades provide dense smoke that blocks visibility and lock-on weapons.
Flash Grenade
A non-lethal explosive which creates a bright energy flash and loud noise to disorient opponents.
The MPL-57 (Multi-Purpose Launcher) Barrage fires a volley of 3 grenades with a short delay fuse.
Cycler Rifle
Designed to fire solid projectiles, this crude but reliable rifle is excellent at hitting targets at extreme ranges and penetrating energy shields.
Depending on the charge-up time, the Bowcaster fires 1 or more explosive bolts in a horizontal arc.
Rigorous training and a brief career as a bodyguard in the Outer Rim has made you a lethal warrior capable of handling extreme situations.
As an orphan, you were raised by the Wookiee Survivalists on Kashyyyk, where you learned to revel in combat and quickly get back into the fight even after the most serious of injuries.
During a brief stint in an elite reconnaissance unit, you learned how to use stealth tactics to find and eliminate the enemy.
Trained as a sharpshooter by a small team of rogue elite snipers, you enjoy operating alone and harassing the enemy from afar.
Bounty Hunter
The Galactic Civil War creates many veterans looking for opportunities. Fighting for the highest bidder, they see each battle as a chance to gain new riches.
Blaster Cannon
The Mark II is a deployable blaster cannon that uses devastating firepower to keep the enemy at bay.
Infantry Turret
Automatically detects and attacks enemy soldiers.
Orbital Strike
A lethal cannon barrage from planetary orbiting ships, covering a large area.
Proximity Bomb
A powerful explosive that triggers when enemies are nearby.
Sensor Droid
This Droid patrols the immediate surroundings, scans for enemies, and attacks them on sight.
Smart Rocket
A rocket that can be dumb-fired at any target. Automatically switches to guided mode when it detects an enemy vehicle.
Squad Shield
Portable energy shield that protects users from blasters and other energy weapons.
Thermal Imploder
The Thermal Imploder compresses and heats the surrounding atmosphere, creating a vacuum that produces a violent implosion within a massive radius.
Vehicle Turret
Automatically scans for and attacks enemy vehicles.