Artist Reveals Images of Rockstar’s Agent

We don’t know what Rockstar Games’ Agent looks like today – or even if it’s still in development – but thanks to images released by artist Darren Charles Hatton, we know what it looked like around the time when it was first announced as a PlayStation 3 exclusive in 2009.

As Hatton wrote on his website:

These are samples of the environment art work I took ownership of during my time on yet to be published game called Agent. Not sure if this project will ever be published but it was first announced by Sony at E3 in 2009.

He later added, “The art team were taken off this project to focus on [Grand Theft Auto V].”

You can see the more advanced images in the gallery below, with the full set available on Hatton’s site.

Do you think Agent is still in development at Rockstar after all these years?

[Source: Darren Hatton via Reddit, Eurogamer]

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