Not a Hero PS4 Release Date Is February 2, PS Vita Version Cancelled

Originally announced for PlayStation 4 and PlayStation Vita, Not a Hero from Roll7 (OlliOlli) is releasing on February 2 in North America and Europe for PS4.

A 2D, cover-based, side-scrolling shooter about a purple rabbit from the future, Not a Hero was first launched on PC, with two developers working on the core of the game. While they didn’t plan on releasing Not a Hero on other platforms, the reception they received on PC made them “determined to get the game onto console,” Creative Director John Ribbins said.

“It’s been a challenge and we’ve had a number of false starts and epic fails, but I’m pleased to announce that, with the help of some excellent people and the support of Devolver Digital, Not A Hero is coming to PS4 on February 2, 2016,” he added.

As for the PS Vita version, it’s been cancelled, with Roll7 saying on Twitter, “The decision was out of our hands unfortunately. Cant really add any more that that! A shame for sure.” Devolver Digital added, “We love the PS Vita but there were technical hurdles that prevented the Not A Hero port.”

On the Roll7 website, Bunny Lord explained:

First and foremost there was the issue of getting the game to work on Vita. I’ve always considered the Vita to be a key political constituency, but making games work on it is incredibly hard, especially as it’s basically a miniscule television hiding inside an obese DS4 controller.

In the end, we tried simply copying the whole game onto a 3.5″ floppy disk and jamming it into the back of the Vita, but this caused dangerous overheating and one of our test kits exploded, killing the entire NOT A HERO Vita Programming team in a fully upsetting and totally avoidable fireball of nasty burning. Initially, we thought it was baddies what had done it, but it turned out to just be our team’s own fantastic ineptitude. It was at this juncture our lawyers advised us to abandon the port and come up with an elaborate excuse for its cancellation.

Will you be getting Not a Hero?

[Source: PS Blog, Roll7, Devolver Digital (Twitter), Roll7 (Twitter)]

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