In testing with Sony for three weeks, Minecraft update 1.23 is releasing today on PlayStation 4, PlayStation 3, and PlayStation Vita. As 4J Studios said, “May take some time to be available worldwide,” so don’t be surprised if a North American launch doesn’t happen until later in the day.
Focusing on bug fixes, here’s the full list of patch notes for today’s Minecraft update on all three PlayStation platforms:
Minecraft Update 1.23 – Bug Fixes
- Fix for MCCE #48 – Water Spreading Creates New Source Blocks.
- Fix for MCCE #772 – Animals get stuck in corners of fence-type blocks.
- Fix for MCCE #826 – Beacon height limit.
- Fix for MCCE #829 – The end build limit is smaller.
- Fix for MCCE #831 – Player skin is the default skin when holding a map.
- Fix for MCCE #856 – Red sandstone stairs texture incorrect.
- Fix for MCCE #863 – The map does not work as it should (unless “View Hand” is turned on).
- Fix for MCCE #865 – Rabbits only appear to spawn naturally in snow biomes.
- Fix for MCCE #878 – Book and Quill saving issue. Opening and closing an edited (not signed) writeable book deletes the saved pages.
- Fix for MCCE #833 – When Interface opacity is down, hotbar faded tools won’t show their durability.
- Fix for MCCE #885 & #886 – Feather Falling enchantment does not reduce falling damage & Ender pearl Damage.
- Fix for MCCE #962 – Slime Spawning (Increase to Slime Spawning).
- Fix for MCCE #1009 – Skulls in the inventory and held in first person are oversized.
- Fix for MCCE #1024 – Raw fish and raw salmon have the same texture in the Natural Texture Pack.
- Fix for MCCE #1072 – In the City Texture Pack it shows smooth red sandstone as a rough block but when you place it, it is smooth.
- Fix for MCCE #1091 – Some fire caused by Ghast’s Fireball explosion is not displayed.
- Fix for MCCE #1127 – Wolfs default collar colour had changed (Orange -> Red).
- Fix for MCCE #1142 – Minecraft Capes using incorrect texture.
- Fix for MCCE #1192 Texture under the bed is the texture of the top of the bed.
- Fix for MCCE #1202 – Map dark when facing north or south.
- Fix for MCCE #1214 – Texture of any potion turns black while holding it in the End or Nether.
- Fix for MCCE #1349 – Penned animals de-spawn when leaving the chunk.
- Fix for MCCE #1366 – When placing a torch under water to reset / refill your air meter will often (about 50% of the time) cause a crash.
- Fix for MCCE #1367 – Melon farm with piston causes crash.
- Fix for MCCE #1415 & #1403 – Hunger meter always regenerates when switching from peaceful to any other difficulty.
- Fix for MCCE #1434 – Fishing Rod Bobber Sticks to Walls!
- Fix for MCCE #1455 – Piston/slime block duplication.
- Fix for MCCE #1457 – TNT can destroy blocks placed well beyond the world border.
- Fix for MCCE #1488 – ‘Getting an Upgrade’ trophy/achievement fails to unlock while crafting a stone pickaxe using classic crafting.
- Fix for crash when Ender Chest is mined for a few seconds.
- Fix for an intermittent crash when placing beds on snow.
- Fix for a crash when a Superflat World session with a combination of multiple Planks or Wood, Lava and Air Layers is saved.
- Fix for a crash after destroying blocks and exploring a Superflat World with multiple Sand, Air and TNT Layers.
- Improved random seed generator to select worlds with a better spread of biomes.
- Fix for Villagers not harvesting crops from Farmlands created by the player.
- Fix for glass not being able to be broken by hand in Adventure Mode.
- Fix for an issue where the user renames a ‘Spawn Egg’ and places it in water, causing debug text to be displayed.
- Fix for an issue when the “Body Guard” trophy/achievement does not unlock as expected when the Iron Golem is built in a certain way.
- Fix for an issue where a player cannot see other players after dying and respawning.
- Fix for an issue where baby horses appear to be adults after feeding with one golden carrot.
- Fix for issue where two Primary Powers can be applied to the Player’s character through the Beacon UI.
- Fix for an issue where a Torch and a Redstone Torch have two hitboxes.
- Fix for de-spawn protections not being applied to baby animals created with Spawn Eggs.
- Fix for issue where item quantity for Bottle o’ Enchanting, Nether Star, Enchanted Golden Apple and strength indicator for Potions are not affected by Interface Opacity when in the Quick Select.
- Fix for Death Message with incorrect text is displayed when the player is killed with a named weapon.
- Fix for worlds generating slightly differently every time even with the same seed.
- Fix for issue where Leather Clothes, Spawn Eggs and Potions are displayed improperly when the player is above 256 blocks or is in a place where there is no source of daylight.
- Fix for Doors, Trapdoors and Fence Gates missing a sound effect when closing.
- Fix for issue where opening certain menus does not cancel the eating, drinking or bow charging animations.
- Fixed an issue where items that have no custom names were not showing up in edit text field in the Anvil.
- Fix for Ocelots not sprinting away from the player.
- Fix for Pistons and objects pushed by them having corrupted, black textures while animating.
- Fix for falling Gravel, Sand and Red Sand blocks displaying with very dark textures.
- Fix for issue where texture pack changes to vanilla Minecraft textures if the player joins a friend’s session.
- Added first person rendering of additional skin parts for the left and right arms.
- Fix for an issue when in a Split-screen session where at least one player does not get Critical Hit particles.
- Fix for seeing through the base of falling blocks.
- Fix for missing mining animation for Skulls, Heads, Signs, Chests and Beacons.
- Fix for issue where changing the Interface Opacity to specific values causes visual issues with the item and button icons on the HUD.
- Fix for issue when travelling directly north or south in a Minecart where the player automatically turns to face eastwards.
- Fix for missing tooltip for ‘Exit’ / ‘Dismount’ actions.
- Fix for Guardians not being spawned around Ocean Monuments on a Superflat World.
- Fix for City Texture Pack missing textures for multiple kinds of doors while holding in the player’s hand
- Fix for Sign text not displaying.
- Fix for Cows needing to take 11 hits with hand or 3 hits with any Sword to be killed.
- Fix for Clownfish description displaying incorrect information.
- Fix for the tutorial message about boats shows the wrong button prompt for exiting the boat.
- Fix to allow saves that had been well explored to save player state again.
- Fixed an issue unlocking the ‘Iron Belly’ trophy.
When asked on Twitter why update 1.23 took so long, 4J replied, “A few more fixes were needed.”
If you have Minecraft on Xbox One or Xbox 360, the bug fix updates “will hopefully be released before the end of this week.”
[Source: 4J Studios (Twitter 1, 2, 3)]
20 PS4 Co-Op Games That You Need to Play Now & in the Future
Here are twenty co-op games that you can look forward to or play right now!
20 PS4 Co-Op Games That You Need to Play Now & in the Future
Few games have been as polarizing as Bungie's co-op focused first person shooter. Destiny, despite its many shortcomings, is still one of the best multiplayer experiences found on the PlayStation 4. It is just plain fun to dance with friends, shoot enemies and going on raids.
While not a ton is known about Gearbox Software's upcoming game there is no doubt that it is ambitious. Battleborn will attempt to combine the gameplay of a first person shooter with the trappings of a MOBA. Whether or not this will be the first-person equivalent to League of Legends is still up in the air but we can't wait to find out.
Borderlands: The Handsome Collection
Borderlands has been a multiplayer stand-out ever since it debuted in 2009. Now the co-op fun has been extended to four player split-screen in Borderlands: The Handsome Collection. It is hard not to get excited about playing through Borderlands 2 and Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel! with four of your best friends.
Self described as a "cooperative patriotism simulation", Broforce offers up some of the wackiest fun on the system. Up to four players can play as Rambro, Snake Broskin and other action heroes inspired by 80s films.
Dying Light
Techland's successor to Dead Island brings four player co-op to the forefront. While parkouring to survive in the zombie apocalypse is already fun by yourself, it is even more-so with friends. Dying Light can breath life into a boring afternoon, especially with others.
Turtle Rock Studios came to prominence working on multiplayer classics such as Counter-Strike and Left 4 Dead. Now they have released Evolve which pits four players against a player-controlled monster. It's one of the most compelling co-op experience (if played with the right group of friends) to come out in recent memory.
Far Cry 4
Ubisoft had a controversy-filled 2014 but they also released some great games. Few games offered up more fun than Far Cry 4 which allows players to explore Kyrat with a partner. Grab a friend (and an elephant) and you are sure to have a blast.
Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept
Killzone Shadow Fall Intercept added class-based co-op fun to one of the PS4's most popular launch titles. Available as DLC and as a standalone download, four players can take on the Helghast and transmit data back to headquarters.
LittleBigPlanet 3
LittleBigPlanet has always been fun to play with others, but since everybody played as Sackboy there was no way to offer up unique play-styles. Developer Sumo Digital has changed that, however, in LittleBigPlanet 3 by introducing new characters to the mix. With four unique roles, everybody has something to offer in multiplayer.
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris
Lara Croft and the Temple of Osiris, the follow-up to 2010's Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light, allows four players to experience the game's story. Players will have to work together to solve puzzles and defeat enemies in this downloadable title.
LEGO Jurassic World
Few developers have made more fun co-op games than Traveller's Tales. Their latest title, LEGO Jurassic World, allows players to relive the first three Jurassic Park movies and this year's blockbuster Jurassic World.
Mercenary Kings
Mercenary Kings manages to combine the gameplay of Monster Hunter and Contra to create one of the best co-op experiences on the system. Up to four players can take on the game's over 100 missions both locally and online.
Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare
One of 2014's pleasant surprises was EA's Plants vs. Zombies Garden Warfare. The game features fun multiplayer and a great wave-based survival mode that combines the game's strategy roots with the new outing's third person shooting gameplay. Since it was free after the PlayStation Experience there is a good chance you already own this title. Give it a play!
Resident Evil: Revelations 2
Resident Evil: Revelations 2 features a fully fleshed out co-op campaign. Players will be able to play as Claire Redfield or Moira Burton as they try to escape from zombies. Throw in an excellent Raid mode, and there is a lot of fun to be had!
Saints Row IV: Re-Elected + Gat out of Hell
Both Saints Row IV: Re-Elected and its standalone expansion, Gat out of Hell, feature hilarious co-op action. The already ridiculous games manages to become even more of a mess when playing with friends.
Few free-to-play titles are as full featured as Warframe is. Players can join up with others to shoot and slice enemies through several different planets. With a lot of content and loot to collect, Warframe is a game that will keep you coming back.
Assassin's Creed Unity
Assassin's Creed Unity allowed players to link up with three other assassins to take on missions. Teamwork is key during these segments and it is fulfilling to assassinate a target due to proper planning.
Child of Light
Child of Light is one of the most gorgeous games ever released and can be experienced with a loved one thanks to its co-op mode. While it isn't the greatest cooperative experience (the second player can only help out outside of combat), it is more engaging than playing alone.
Diablo III: Reaper of Souls Ultimate Evil Edition
Blizzard managed to not only successfully port Diablo III to consoles, but to also offer up one of the best multiplayer experiences on the system. With online and local co-op there is no reason to explore Sanctuary together.
TowerFall Ascension
Thanks to the advent of Share Play, the fantastic co-op mode found within TowerFall Ascension can be played both locally and online. Players can take a break from battling each other to team up and take on waves of enemies.
Minecraft became a cultural phenomenon thanks to the ability for players to visit the worlds of others. Needless to say it is one of the best co-op experiences on PS4. It is so much more fun to make crazy buildings and tunnels with a friend!
Helldivers is one of the best co-op games on the market, but it is also one of the hardest. You might lose some friends due to the game's friendly fire, but it will be so satisfying when you beat a level with your besties!
Magicka 2
When played with other smart players, Magicka 2 is a blast. This fantasy action game requires multiple players to be in sync with each other, or its high difficulty will conquer. If you have three friends, or don't mind taking a chance with random players online, then this is definitely one to check out.
Gauntlet Slayer Edition
Arrowhead Game Studios, the developer behind Helldivers, had a busy 2015, as they also released Gauntlet Slayer Edition. While it may not be quite as polished as their other PS4 offering, Gauntlet is still good fun if you need a break from other co-op titles.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn
MMOs are built around playing with friends, and the best MMO on PS4 is Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn. Players can team up to grind out experience, go on raids, and finish quests. This is one journey that is better with others!