Alienation Trophy Guide

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Welcome to PlayStation LifeStyle’s Trophy Guide for Alienation! This twin-stick shooter comes with 33 new Trophies to earn. This is an obtainable list with nothing too difficult, but this Platinum will require a lot of your time. A majority of these Trophies are gonna require some grinding to unlock, but if you stick with it, you should have no issues unlocking them all. 

Spoiler Warning: There are spoilers within this guide. If you’re trying to avoid spoilers, it is recommended that you complete the game before reading any further.

Alienated – Platinum

– Get all Trophies

Follow this guide!

Globetrotter – Bronze

– Complete all story locations

This Trophy is story related.  

I Love the Smell of Radiation in the Morning – Bronze

– Complete all individual missions in Pripyat

This Trophy is story related.

Pleasant Little Locale. 5/5, Would Visit Again – Bronze

– Complete all individual missions in Ashland

This Trophy is story related.

Tropical Thunder – Bronze

– Complete all individual missions in Fort Itaipu

This Trophy is story related.

Winter Sports – Bronze

– Complete all individual missions in Barrow

This Trophy is story related.

Fleshworks – Bronze

– Kill 20 or more Xenos with a single mine or grenade

A quick and easy way to get this is to wait for a Horde to come. These are random events that will throw a lot of enemies at you from all sides. Get around and run away from the horde and they will group up and chase you, once they do, drop a mine or throw a grenade into the group.

*Slap* – Bronze

– In solo play, finish off a Goliath with a melee attack

Before attempting this Trophy, make sure to set your game to invite only to ensure you’re in solo play and no one can join your game. The Goliaths don’t take too much to bring down, just weaken one with your weapons until it has a small bit of health left and finish it off with a melee. The Immature Goliaths will count for this Trophy as well. They are just smaller Goliaths. Alienation-Goliath 

((1+4)*2)x – Bronze

– In solo play, get a multiplier of 10x

Before attempting this Trophy, make sure to set your game to invite only to ensure you’re in solo play and no one can join your game. You can build your multiplier by killing enemies and staying alive for long periods of time. The highest you can build by killing enemies is only 5x. Once you hit 5x, you’ll need to find a blue xenoflower and use it which will double your multiplier from 5x to 10x. 

Doctor of Death – Silver

– Reach level 30 as Bio-Specialist

See the Trophy “Sneaking Mission” for more details. 

Slyly I Creep, Efficiently I Reap – Silver

– Reach level 30 as Saboteur

See the Trophy “Sneaking Mission” for more details. 

Sneaking Mission – Silver

– Reach level 30 as Tank

These Trophies will come over time as you play. 30 is the highest level you can reach and it’ll take about two to three playthroughs of the story to reach. Try to keep your multiplier high and play on veteran. Veteran difficulty will grant you more xp. 

Shipwrecker – Bronze

– Gain access to and complete the Battleship mission

This Trophy is story related.

Then What? – Silver

– Gain access to and complete the Mothership mission

This Trophy is story related.

Worldwide Scientist – Silver

– Complete all story locations as Bio-Specialist

See the Trophy “Delicate Touch” for more details.

With Cunning and Cleverness – Silver

– Complete all story locations as Saboteur

See the Trophy “Delicate Touch” for more details.

Delicate Touch – Silver

– Complete all story locations as Tank

These Trophies are basically story related as well. You just need to play through the entire story with all three characters. It doesn’t matter what difficulty you play on, just complete them all. 

The Opposite of Wasteful – Silver

– Complete a level with accuracy rating of 90% or higher with 300 or more bullets fired

This Trophy sounds like it could be difficult, but there is actually a simple, but mind numbing way to achieve it. Play the training mission with a Bio-Specialist. Do not melee the enemy at the melee training section. Instead, stand on the platform across from where the enemy is standing and fire a single shot at the enemy to kill it. Because you need at least 300 shots fired, you’ll need to do this 300 times. It only takes about 10 minutes but once you finish the training mission, the Trophy will pop.Accuracy 90

Presentation of a Rich Set of Skills – Silver

– In solo play, complete a level without firing your weapons once

Before attempting this Trophy, make sure to set your game to invite only to ensure you’re in solo play and no one can join your game. This can easily be done in the very first mission called Blood on the Ice. it’s fairly short and the enemies are not too difficult. Just run straight to the objectives only using your melee to attack enemies. 

Yes, Very Subtle – Bronze

– In solo play, complete a level without using your abilities, including rush and melee

Before attempting this Trophy, make sure to set your game to invite only to ensure you’re in solo play and no one can join your game. This can easily be done in the Blood on the Ice mission. Run to the objectives using only your weapons and do not sprint or melee. 

Well, This Seems Useful – Silver

– In solo play, activate every respawn beacon in one story location as a Hardcore character

Before attempting this Trophy, make sure to set your game to invite only to ensure you’re in solo play and no one can join your game. This is also best done on Rookie difficulty. If you die as a Hardcore character, your game will be erased, so you have to activate all of the respawn locations without dying. You can press Down on the D-Pad to get a view of the entire map to see where the respawn locations are. Run directly to each one activating them all and the Trophy will pop. There is no need to finish the mission after getting the last one if you’re just going for the Trophy. 

More Alienation Reading:

I Can Smell Colors – Bronze

– In solo play, gather three different xenoflowers without the bonus effect of any of them dissipating

There are only three different xenoflowers, blue, red and yellow. When you acquire one, you’re temporarily granted a bonus. There will be an icon with a timer counting down in the bottom right corner of the screen. Play through a mission and look for the flowers. Make sure to find all three before activating them. Once you know where the three are, activate one and run to the other two. It has to be one of each and not multiple of the same type. 

Beautiful Death – Gold

– Equip every weapon and equipment slot with at least a level 30 legendary weapon or equipment

You won’t be able to find level 30 gear until you reach level 30. This will Trophy will take some time because the weapon and equipment drops are random. This will come as you make your way toward the 100th hero level. Just keep playing and eventually the legendary gear will drop. 

You need a legendary in the following slots:

  • Primary
  • Secondary
  • Heavy 
  • Equipment

By the Power of Weird Aliens Artifacts, I Have the Power! – Gold

– Insert 12 maximum level cores into a legendary quality weapon

This will be another Trophy that takes some time to obtain. First, waiting for a random legendary drop will take time, on top of that, you’ll need to get a legendary that has 12 sockets and finally, you’ll need to have 12 level six cores. There really isn’t much to do to speed this one up other than just playing and grinding for loot.

This Trophy is Much Easier Than it Looks – Silver

– Equip weapons and equipment of at least level 30 in every slot, and fully socket them with maximum level cores

You won’t be able to find level 30 gear until you reach level 30. This Trophy can be done with any weapon no matter the rarity as long as it is level 30. Maximum level cores are level six cores, details on how to obtain those can be found under the trophy “Bauble of Power.” To socket a weapon, you just need to press X on whatever weapon you want and then select “Upgrade.” This will allow you to place cores in empty sockets to improve them. Every socket position must be filled with a level six core. 

High Roller – Bronze

– Reroll weapon or equipment attributes 100 times

The option to reroll a weapon is accessed  by pressing X on any of the weapons you have in your inventory. Rerolling uses materials you gather by completing assignments and deconstructing weapons and equipment. Rerolling just resets the stats of a weapon. It can drop or raise the stats, and you can do it as much as you want as long as you have the resources. This does not need to be the same weapon rerolled 100 times, it can span across multiple weapons.  

I Fear Everything – Gold

– Reach level 30 as any class on Hardcore mode

This is going to be one of the more difficult Trophies in the game because if you die, your save file will be erased and you’ll have to start over. Hardcore mode isn’t tougher difficulty wise, you can actually play a Hardcore character on Rookie difficulty. The downside to playing on Rookie is that you won’t gain as much xp as you would on the higher difficulties. Unless you’re confident in playing solo, co-op can be a very helpful way to get through this. 

Bauble of Power – Bronze

– Acquire a rank 6 core

To get a rank six core, you’ll need to go to the Resources tab under Upgrades and combine cores. Pressing X on the cores will combine them. It will take at least three cores of the same type and level to be combined in order to upgrade them to the next level. Example, if you have five level one power cores, you can only combine them once to give you one level two power core. It’s going to take a lot of cores to get all the way over to level six, so make sure you’re always picking them up during missions. The loot boxes aboard UFOs will contain multiple cores, so that is a good place to get them as long as you have UFO access keys. 

Done and Done – Bronze

– Complete 20 assignments with one character

Assignments will become available once you complete all of the story missions. You can only have three different assignments active at the same time and the game only gives you six new assignments in a 24 hour period. Each day the assignments will be replenished. They consist of killing different enemy types with the different weapon classes. Dying during a mission will reset your progress toward assignments, but if you finish an assignment, you can quit the mission and keep your progress. You do not have to finish the mission and risk losing assignment progress.

Ooh, Shiny! – Bronze

– Acquire your first legendary

Legendary weapons are random drops from killing enemies and opening loot chests. This is another Trophy that will come over time as you play through the story missions. Legendary weapons are marked as an orange color. 

What Do We Have Here?

– Gain an access key to a UFO

The UFO keys are also random drops just like the legendary weapons. Acquiring them will give you access to complete extra missions aboard a UFO. 

Eventful – Silver

– Complete 100 challenge and/or hitman events with one character

Challenges and hitman events can be found across every mission. Challenges are marked as blue icons on your map. They can either be a quick wave survival or transport you to an alien ship requiring you to kill a boss. The hitman events are just side boss battles in the story missions. These will be marked as red skulls on the map.alienation-Icons

Maximum Gains – Gold

– Reach hero level 100

Yet another time consuming Trophy here. You won’t be able to start working on your hero level until you’ve hit level 30. Hero levels work the same way as the regular levels. You just have to keep acquiring xp by killing enemies and xp bonuses from loot chests. This one is quite the grind and will likely be one of your last Trophies needed for the Plat. 

Thank you for using our guide! If you have any questions or tips, feel free to leave them in the comments below! Happy Trophy hunting!

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