Ueda: The Last Guardian Is Complete, the Focus Is Now on Polish and Tweaks

With just four months to go until The Last Guardian launches on October 25 for PlayStation 4, Director Fumito Ueda told Kotaku that they’ll be using the remaining time to polish certain areas, as the game itself is complete:

The game, as a whole, is complete. You can play it all the way through, from beginning to the end. Right now, we’re focusing on brushing up various parts and doing tweaks here and there – things like cut scenes, little events here and there. Just getting all those cleaned up and ready.

As for that release date, Ueda says they were aiming for October 2016 for quite a long time:

A little bit of the pressure has gone away [now that there’s a release date], but I have to admit that while we announced the release date publicly, we’ve been aiming for that for quite a long time. We knew what we were going for. In that sense, it hasn’t really changed our outlook or the team’s outlook. We’re just going to keep on going at the schedule that we have been, so long as there aren’t any major problems along the way. Everything looks fine. Our team isn’t super excited about it, but all of us are looking forward to getting back to Japan and getting back to the grind and getting it out there for everyone.

Even with such a long development cycle, and a move from PlayStation 3 to PlayStation 4, Ueda says “there really hasn’t been any changes” on the original vision he had for The Last Guardian. “Basically from start to finish, we had a vision and we re-created it,” he added. “The only primary difference is the level of resolution, the shaders – that sort of thing. We originally thought the game would be for PS3, but on PS4, it’s better than we expected.

Once The Last Guardian is fully complete, Ueda says he won’t go on a long hiatus, “but I think I’d like to take a short little vacation afterwards.”

[Source: Kotaku]

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