Two Teenagers Charged Over 2014’s DDoS Attacks on PSN, Xbox Live and Other Cyber Crimes

Earlier this week, two 19-year old males were charged with “conspiring to cause damage to protected computers” following a series of cyber crimes that began with the infamous DDoS attacks on the PlayStation Network and Xbox Live in 2014.

According to a press release by the US Department of Justice, Zachary Buchta of Fallston, Maryland, and Jan Willem Van Rooy of Leiden, Netherlands, were arrested after an investigation into “Lizard Squad” and “PoodleCorp” initially for running a harassment service whereby paying customers could select victims to receive “repeated harassing phone calls from spoofed numbers.”

One of the victims, who resided in Illinois, last fall received a phone call every hour for thirty days.  When the victim answered the phone, an audio recording stated that the victim “better look over your [expletive] back because I don’t flying [expletive] if we have to burn your [expletive] house down, if we have to [expletive] track your [expletive] family down, we will [expletive] your [expletive] up [expletive].”

Both suspects were also involved in a plethora of DDoS attacks, which they boasted about on social media.

The attacks targeted various victims, including gaming, entertainment and media companies, and relied on a massive network of compromised computers and devices. 

Defendants are presumed innocent until proven guilty and face a maximum 10-year sentence. For the full press release, follow the source link below.

[Source: US Dept. of Justice via Polygon]

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