After hitting PC and Xbox One last week, The Division Update 1.5 will be available for PlayStation 4 later today, Ubisoft has announced. In addition to making some game changes, it also helps to prep for the Survival expansion, which is already available on PC and Xbox One, and comes to PS4 on December 20.
To get ready for the update, The Division will be offline for approximately three hours of maintenance beginning at 12:30am PT/3:30am ET/9:30am CET.
Here’s some highlights of what to expect from Update 1.5:
Game Changes
- Enemy Armor Damage now functions in PVP: damage calculation in PvP ignores a percentage of the target’s armor equal to one third of the shooter’s Enemy Armor Damage.
- Stagger now functions in PvP: high-stagger weapons (Shotguns and Marksman rifles primarily) will now cause the target’s aim to flinch.
- Tactical Advance: This talent will now provide a maximum of 30% damage increase.
- Stash size has been increased from 70 to 150 total items.
Added World Tier 5 Bracket (224+ GS)
- Enemy NPCs are level 34.
- Maximum Gear Score raised to 256.
- Heroic Incursions are now available in Tier 5 only.
Named Gear items have been implemented in the game. One piece is available for each Gear Slot and each one comes with a unique Talent. Named Gear items can only be acquired in World Tier 5 or in Survival game mode:
- [Mask] Ferro’s oxygen mask: Players can move and shoot while under burn status effect.
- [Knee Pads] Shortbow championship pads: Grenades have shortened fuse timer.
- [Holster] Colonel Bliss’ holster: Powerful improvements for sidearms.
- [Gloves] Skulls MC gloves: Increased damage when no gear set bonuses are active.
- [Chestpiece] Barrett’s bulletproof: Powerful bonuses when skills are on cooldown.
- [Backpack] NinjaBike messenger bag: Less DZ loot and DZ XP lost when dying in the Dark Zone.
Loot, Rewards & Vendors
- NPCs now have chances to drop crafting materials. Chances to drop higher quality increases with World Tiers.
- Season Pass Open World Supply Drops will now scale with World Tier. Opening a supply drop in World Tier 1 will reward with Gear Score 163, 182 in World Tier 2, etc.
- Items in the Scavenger crate in the Base of Operations will now scale with World Tier.
- Vendors will now scale to player’s Gear Score, independently from the World Tier they’re in. This means that the Gear Score and currency value of goods they sell will adapt to the player’s Gear Score.
- We have adjusted the Credits and Phoenix Credits rewards for Main Missions, High Value Targets and Incursions to better scale with World Tier. This results in an overall increase starting from World Tier 4 and above.
- Modified rewards from completing weekly assignments: Moved 30 Phoenix Credits from the weekly assignment reward to put them inside the weekly assignment cache (the total amount is still the same); Added one extra High-End Mod inside the weekly assignment cache
Bug Fixes
- Fixed a bug where players could trap elite NPCs inside a spawn closet during Dragon’s Nest – Eliminate the Collective checkpoint.
- Fixed a bug where players would not be able to carry the Fuse box object if they were facing a certain angle.
- Fixed instances where players could obtain High-End items at too low levels.
- Fixed a bug where the interaction radius around the Crafting Table was too small.
- Fixed a bug where weapon talents that would buff the player would be purged after switching weapons.
- Fixed a bug where the Medved and Warlord High-End weapons would drop at 163 Gear Score in Incursions at any World Tier.
- Fixed a bug where swapping out the 4th piece of a gear set with one of the same type would disable the 4-piece set bonus. This affected Tactician’s Authority, Sentry’s Call and Striker gear sets.
- Fixed a bug where Wildfire, Shrapnel and Fear Tactics would not apply their effects to nearby enemy targets.
- Fixed a bug where players would not be able to use Recovery Link signature skill while aiming another skill.
- Fixed a bug where the Recovery Link would not automatically trigger if the player took fatal damage while aiming down sights.
- Fixed a bug where weapon talents would not activate if the player had fulfilled exactly the required stat value.
- Fixed a bug where equipping a weapon directly from dropped loot would replace the players current weapon instead of an empty slot.
- Fixed a bug where sometimes looted containers and props would still be highlighted as loot-able in the game world.
- Fixed a bug where recalibrating Enemy Armor Damage stat would not use the correct values at 163 Gear Score.
- Fixed a replication issue that occurred when the player was performing a two-hand vault over an obstacle in the game world.
- Fixed instances where the Fuse box objects would not replicate correctly when players would leave the mission instance.
- Fixed game framerate while inside any inventory that has a large number of items.
- Fixed a bug where the Signature Skill icon would not disappear when “auto-hide HUD” option was enabled.
- Fixed a bug where players could not scroll an item description during item compare, in certain conditions.
- Fixed a bug where the UI would not show the new item notification when a skill mod was unlocked due to a Base of Operation upgrade.
- Fixed a bug where the Automatch megamap screen inside Underground mode would display activities that were not available for matchmaking.
- Fixed a bug where the player’s health bar would overlap the Gear Score value while the Stash is open.
- Fixed a bug where some vendors in the Base of Operations were not displayed on the megamap or the minimap.
- Fixed a weird door.
- Fixed a bug where Nimble talent would not work until reequipped if a cover to cover move is interrupted.
- Fixed a bug where players could become invincible for a few seconds after using Survivor Link.
- Fixed several instances of client crash.
- Fixed a bug where Skill Haste would not correctly affect Support Station cooldown.
- Fixed a bug where Judy Walters part 2 to 5 echos couldn’t be picked up correctly.
In an interview with PCGamesN, Anne Blondel, Ubisoft’s VP of Live Operations, revealed that since the release of The Division Update 1.4 on October 25, “we went back to the daily active users we had at launch, because people were [so impressed].” She says this is because “people realized we meant what we said,” and Ubisoft and Ubisoft Massive tackled issues reported by the community.
Blondel added that “some players left the game earlier than what we thought,” but after 1.4, “the community is back to positive mode, we see more and more players coming back.”
[Source: The Division (1), (2), Ubisoft Forums, PCGamesN via MMOGames]
10 Reasons for PS4 Owners to be Thankful
Reasons for PS4 Gamers to be Thankful
Be thankful that games that only have local multiplayer can still be played online due to the magic of SharePlay. It's one of the console's most under utilized features, but it's also the coolest. If you haven't given it a try, check it out!
Instant Game Collection
Be thankful that every month a bunch of good games become available as part as your PS+ subscription. It's the reason why millions are still playing Rocket League, and has introduced players to so many fantastic games over the past few years. The Instant Game Collection rules, and be glad it's still going strong.
Great Indie Games
Be thankful that gamers are getting a wider array of games than ever before due to the rise of indie games. Modern classics like INSIDE help keep players entertained between major releases, and now great games get released the entire year. There's no such thing as a gaming drought in 2016.
PS Store Sales
Be thankful for PSN sales that discount games a crazy amount. A consumer's dollar has never been worth more in gaming, as AAA titles can be purchased for just a few dollars in these sales. It may not be good for the industry long-term, but it's fantastic for consumers.
The Wait is Almost Over
After waiting a decade The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy XV are finally going to be playable. That's a pretty crazy idea, and even if both games end up being busts, people will finally get some closure. Either way, be thankful that both games made it through development hell and are going to be in store shelves in less than a month.
PS2 to PS4
Be thankful that a whole new generation of gamers get to experience classic games for the first time. With PS2 games getting re-released on PSN, a fresh audience is getting to play games like Psychonauts and Grand Theft Auto: Vice City for the very first time. That's awesome, and gaming history should be preserved this way.
Region Free Gaming
Be thankful that the PlayStation 4 is region free. Unlike on current Nintendo consoles, PS4 owners can play any game released on the system. From an import copy of Persona 5 to a physical release of Infamous: First Light from Europe, there's no barrier to enjoying the games you want. Plus, digital storefronts make it easier than ever (and so much quicker) to import.
Be thankful that trophies exist, even if the digital trinkets might not have any real meaning. Trophies have given players reasons to play games in ways they never would have before, and Microsoft deserves a lot of praise for implementing achievements. They really helped at making gaming more fun, and collecting trophies is just plain fun.
Virtual Reality
Be thankful that you get to watch virtual reality come into its own. The technology is still young and sometimes rough around the edges, but it's also why it's so exciting. We haven't seen the best that virtual reality has to offer, and it'll only get better as time goes on. That's incredibly exciting.
Game Developers
Most importantly, be thankful for the game developers that make this incredible form of entertainment possible. Without them this industry wouldn't exist, and a form of escape couldn't entertain millions. They are under appreciated, work crazy hours in order to finish a game, and deserve some gratefulness.