With the Nintendo Switch release date info announced last week, most of us here agreed that it’s nostalgia for Nintendo’s first-party franchises that will get the system selling. Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild and Super Mario Odyssey will start the system’s launch year, and we’re certain we’ll see other first-party game announcements in the near future.
PlayStation has their own system exclusive gems, but not all have followed the brand through its iterations. We’re definitely pleased with what we have, but there are some older games from older generations that could use some comeback love (one of which we’ve mentioned yesterday in our Top 5 Tuesday video).
I poised the question to my fellow PlayStation compatriots, asking what PlayStation exclusives they would like to see make a comeback.
As you can see, big fans of Resistance over here. Which PlayStation exclusives would you like to see make a comeback?
Got a suggestion for Now Loading or something you want the staff to answer? Hit us up via email or Twitter and we might feature it next!
Now Loading is a recurring staff-driven feature where PlayStation LifeStyle discusses anything video game-related under the sun (yes, even non-Sony platforms.
Essential Reading:
- Now Loading…What Do You Think of the Nintendo Switch?
- Top 5 Reasons Why SOCOM Needs to Come Back
- 2017 Vita Games Preview – 20 Worth Anticipating
Now Loading Comeback Franchises
Now Loading Comeback Franchises #1
Keri Honea
I'd really love to see another Resistance title, even though I know Insomniac has said they're done with the series. I also want to see a return of Syphon Filter. My husband absolutely loved those games.
Chandler Wood
I second Resistance making a return. Such a great shooter with a unique premise. There really wasn't anything else quite like it. Great PS3 memories with that game. Most of the other stuff I would want to bring back up is already being revived in some way, like Psychonauts (yes, I know, not a PlayStation exclusive), Crash Bandicoot, and the slew of classics that are coming back. If I wanted to mention an off the wall one, I would say we need another Legend of Dragoon, or entry into the Parasite Eve series. Both of those are fond memories of my PS1 days.
Zarmena Khan
Resistance for me. Played the friggin daylights out of that game.
Steve Bitto
SOCOM. The franchise (pre-SOCOM 4) is quite unique compared to the other shooters out there now and the long legs of Rainbow Six Siege show that there's still a market for strategic shooters. Recreate the classic maps and modes fans remember with new content sprinkled in and you've got a hit on your hands.
Michael Briers
Resistance, hands down. Big fan of that series from the beginning and I thought Insomniac built a fairly rich sci-fi universe that's still begging to be explored. The three main titles were fairly diverse, too—Fall of Man had its horror moments, and I loved the alternate history, but Resistance 3 came packing a really poignant, memorable story.
Cameron Teague
Suikoden. I would also second a return to Legend of Dragoon or Arc the Lad. Oh and add a White Knight Chronicles collection on PS4, with the PSP game Origin included.
Mack Ashworth
Resistance. Played it to death on my mate's expensive-as-hell launch day PS3, but would like a chance to own it myself. Trilogy remaster, please!
Blake Grundman
I would love to see a NEW Wipeout sequel. None of this HD re-release garbage...