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Here’s What to Expect from Paragon in 2017

Epic Games went to the PlayStation Blog to detail their plans for Paragon in 2017. As the studio has done previously, they’ll continue to introduce new characters to the MOBA every three weeks. They did mention one potential caveat, however, as they said “except maybe over the holidays or when we’re shipping something really big that requires the focus of the whole team.” Epic Games recently did that in order to launch Paragon’s major Monolith upgrade, which significantly changed how the MOBA was played.

The system getting the biggest overhaul is the game’s card system. Epic revealed that they are redesigning the system “right now,” with the goal to “make cards more valuable and impactful to gameplay and increase clarity and ease of use.” In addition to that, they’re also looking to add additional modes. The first of these will be PvP, which is a shorter version of the game that typically lasts less than 20 minutes. A PvE cooperative mode is also in the works, although details were scarce on that.

In addition to these major changes, there are also a lot of smaller ones being worked on (list courtesy of the PlayStation Blog):

  • Matchmaking system V2. All new from the ground up.
  • Lots of balance changes. We know many things need to be improved and we listen intently. Expect continuous improvement and a handful of mistakes along the way.
  • Banners: add your signature to every kill with this new system (screenshots and videos coming soon). It’s experimental but we think it’ll be cool.
  • New Skins and Skin Variations: We’re giving you even more skins and a new system that will allow players to unlock more variations for almost every skin.
  • “Hero Mastery” improvements. More content, more progression, and more rewards for getting Heroes to max level.
  • Loot Crates: More loot (with more variety) will be rolling into crates over the next few months. Expect to find some rare banners and skin variations coming soon in crates.
  • Hero Reworks: Revisiting old Heroes with new kits and balance.

Finally, the game’s competitive play mode will begin to be introduced within the first half of the year. It’ll be rolled out in different stages, and eventually become a full ranked mode. Epic says that they don’t want to rush competitive play, and will make sure that when it’s officially launched that it’s done correctly. Be sure to check out the full post over at the PlayStation Blog, as the developer details all of these changes.

(Source: PlayStation Blog)

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