battlefield 1 expansion

Battlefield 1 Update 1.07 Is Live, Adds They Shall Not Pass DLC Support

Adding support for the new They Shall Not Pass expansion (released today for Premium Pass owners), while also making improvements to the base game, Battlefield 1 update 1.07 is now live on PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. According to players, it’s 7.3GB to download the update and DLC.

Here’s an overview of what to expect from They Shall Not Pass:

  • 4 new maps with big contrasts (Verdun Heights, Fort de Vaux, Soissons, Rupture)
  • 2 new immersive Operations
  • The French Army
  • 1 New elite class – The Trench Raider
  • 1 new Assault Tank
  • 1 new Behemoth – The super-sized tank “Char 2C”
  • 6 new unlockable Primary weapons
  • 4 new melee weapons
  • 1 new game mode – Frontlines
  • A new type of skins in Battlepacks
  • New melee puzzles in Battlepacks
  • Play as party improvements – Party Leader

DICE adds, ” The Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass update is a required download for all Battlefield 1 players. This has several benefits, including that players who don’t yet own the expansion will be able to watch Battlefield 1 They Shall Not Pass matches through Spectator Mode.”

And here’s a look at some of the base game changes:

Weapons and Gadgets

MG 08/15

  • Decreased horizontal recoil from 0.7 to 0.3
  • Full accuracy is reached one shot earlier
  • Fixed bad reload timers on M1911 Extended:
  • Tactical reload time increased from 1.4 to 1.6 s
  • Empty reload time increased from 2.3 to 2.6 s
  • Reload threshold reduced from 1.1 to 0.78
  • Fixed staged reload timers
  • Fixed an issue where the MG 08/15 would overheat much faster on PS4 and XB1 than on PC and set the new overheat threshold to 67 bullets
  • PS4: Fixed an issue where the MG 08/15 was overheating too fast and set the new overheat threshold to 67 bullets
  • Xbox One: Fixed an issue where the MG 08/15 was overheating too fast and set the new overheat threshold to 67 bullets

M1903 Experimental

  • Reduced rate of fire from 450 to 360
  • Increased close range damage, allowing it to kill a healthy soldier with 4 hits within 16 meters
  • Self-Loading Rifles and Pieper M1893:
  • Made recoil decrease smoother
  • Most recoil values were tweaked, but are not comparable to previous releases
  • Updated the way the CONTROL value is calculated to better represent the amount of recoil that players have to compensate for
  • Self-Loading Rifles
  • Fixed an issue where spread would reset too quickly after firing
  • Reduced base spread increase per shot of self-loading rifles from 0.25 to 0.2
  • Decreased base spread decrease per second from 3.75 to 3
  • Decreased the spread increase per shot bonus in ADS that Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions get to maintain the old effective spread increase per shot values of 0.125
  • Added a small bonus to spread decrease per second for Marksman, Sniper and Optical versions
  • Reduced the number of magazines carried by the M97 Trench Gun by 1


  • Increased moving hip fire dispersion by 0.25 degrees
  • Fixed incorrect CONTROL values for Low Weight LMGs

Madsen MG

  • Reduced first shot recoil multiplier from 1.9 to 1.8
  • Reduced horizontal recoil from 0.6 to 0.55


  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.38 to 0.35
  • Reduced Experimental third shot recoil multiplier from 1.8 to 1.5
  • Doubled Experimental spread decrease per second in ADS

Automatico M1918

  • Reduced vertical recoil from 0.44 to 0.40
  • Increased horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 1.2
  • Increased Trench and Storm first shot recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.8
  • Decreased Factory first shot recoil multiplier from 2.65 to 2.33
  • Increased Factory recoil decrease from 12 to 16
  • Increased Frommer Stop Auto horizontal recoil from 1.0 to 1.2

Hellriegel 1915

  • Increased 1915 horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 0.95
  • Overheating now cancels ADS
  • Increased moving hip fire dispersion by 0.25 degrees


  • Increased Impact grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.7 to 1.0 seconds
  • Increased Incendiary grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.67 to 1.3 seconds
  • Increased Mini Grenade damage from 65 to 72
  • Decreased inner blast radius Light AT Grenades from 2.0 to 1.5
  • Decreased inner blast radius Assault AT Grenades to 1.5 from 2.0
  • Reduced Tripwire INC ammo from 2 to 1 to better account for its high damage and AOE


  • The crossbow launcher now regenerates all its ammo even when not reloaded
  • Increased auto replenish time from 15 to 25 seconds
  • K bullets now resupply in 2 s rather than 5
  • Reduced suppression by friendly gas and prevented coughing at low levels of gas suppression


AA Cannons

  • Removed blast and impact impulse to prevent them from pushing and rotating planes
  • Reduced impact damage to planes by 50% for fighters and attack planes and by 40% for bombers
  • Fixed an issue where players could get the crosshairs back after pressing E while zooming in a vehicle in Hardcore
  • The bomber will no longer destroy certain structures when crashing in to them
  • Fixed an issue with certain vehicle gunner seats where the ADS stopped working once the weapon has been overheated.
  • Fixed an issue where the UI did not update correctly when using certain gunner seats in the Heavy Tank
  • Fixed an issue where the Armored Car turret accuracy was off, it’s now aligned with the cross hair


  • Reduced A7V flamethrower range from 44 to 24 meters to better match the VFX
  • Reduced A7V flamethrower speed inheritance and velocity and increased time to live for more predictable behavior

General Improvements

  • Reduced the intensity of the fog on Giant’s Shadow
  • Fixed visual issue for the Medic’s syringe when used in certain indoor areas
  • Fixed an issue where the “Corporal” trophy would not unlock when reaching the unlock criteria
  • Ribbons now correctly award 500XP each
  • Fixed an issue where the player would not get idle-kicked from the server when being idle
  • Fixed an issue where the “War Bonds” trophy would not unlock when reaching the unlock criteria
  • Fixed an issue where new installation of the game and its system files would fail due to missing files.
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon firing animation becomes erratic when looking up or down.
  • Fixed an issue where the wrong thumbnail image was being shown in the Map Vote screen for Ballroom Blitz
  • Fixed an issue where it would rain inside of certain indoor areas on the Giant’s Shadow map
  • Fixed an issue where the Heavy Tank exhaust pipes would not emit smoke when used operated
  • Fixed an issue where the Torpedo Boat would not leave wreckage after being destroyed
  • Fixed some clipping issues on the Giants Shadow map
  • Fixed an issue where players sometimes would be quick matched into a server in the wrong region
  • Medical Crates no longer explode when destroyed
  • Fixed an issue where the weapon audio was muffled when spectating a player in first person
  • Fixed an issue where the gas grenade VFX would not disappear if a soldier is killed by the gas
  • Fixed an issue where a corrupted flag animation would be visible at the end of round sometimes
  • Fixed an issue where a flag would appear to be floating in mid-air on Giant’s Shadow’s C objective.
  • Fixed an issue where players would get stuck in a weird state if getting killed immediately following a revive
  • Fixed an issue where players could see through the smoke clouds caused by smoke grenades while playing on low settings
  • Fixed an issue where the screen would sometimes go dark suddenly after a bayonet charge
  • You can now melee takedown opponents who are using stationary weapons/gadgets
  • Players entering vehicles with Gas Mask equipped can now use the zoom in the vehicle gunner seats
  • Improved messaging for spectators between battalions in Operations.
  • Fixed an audio syncing issue with the Selbstladler 1906 when in the reload animation
  • Added camera movement when firing and reload sound for vehicle mounted T-gewehr
  • Added camera movement when firing for Vehicle HMG
  • Removed Camera movement when driving on the MarkV
  • Adjusted fire damage volumes across the level and reduced fire damage at B-Flag on Amiens

You can read all about today’s update over here.

If you aren’t a Premium Pass owner, They Shall Not Pass will be available to purchase separately beginning on March 28.

They don’t have release dates yet, but the remaining three Battlefield 1 expansions are called In the Name of the Tsar, Turning Tides, and Apocalypse.

[Source: Battlefield, Reddit, PSU]

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