Shadow of the Colossus PS4 Pro

Fumito Ueda Wants Changes Made to Shadow of the Colossus Remake

At E3 2017, Sony announced that Bluepoint is doing a remake of Team ICO’s Shadow of the Colossus for PlayStation 4. Sony Worldwide Studios President Shuhei Yoshida recently said that the game’s content will be the same as the PlayStation 2 release, but that modern control schemes could be implemented. He also pointed out that the original game’s director, Fumito Ueda, wasn’t involved heavily in the remake.

Now Ueda, who spoke to Eurogamer at the Gamelab conference in Barcelona, has given details about his involvement. The director said that he had sent a list of changes he would like to see in the game, “but I don’t know [if] the implementation will be what I told.” While there are several things that Ueda would like to see changed, he didn’t want to speak publicly about them as “if I say one thing and in the final version that thing is not included, it’s a problem.”

He did openly speak about what he didn’t want changed, however, and that was the game’s structure of 16 boss fights. “In this game there are 16 enemies and there’s a story about 16 enemies,” he said when asked about the remake adding in boss fights that were cut from the original. “I don’t think about changing this history. It’s finished with 16 enemies. It’s OK.”

The reason for Ueda’s lack of involvement with Bluepoint’s Shadow of the Colossus PS4 remake has to do with him being busy working on his next game. He told Eurogamer that he’d like to finish his next project “as quickly [as] possible,” and that he intends to create a prototype in order to lessen the development time. Interestingly, this will be the first time that Ueda does a prototype first, as past games began with a short film that was shown to the development team.

Bluepoint’s Shadow of the Colossus remake is set to release exclusively on PlayStation 4 in 2018.

(Source: Eurogamer)

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