Early access to the Destiny 2 Beta kicks off at 10am PT/1pm ET today on PlayStation 4, and if you pre-loaded the file, you’ll need to download update 1.02, which is roughly 13.5GB. According to Bungie’s website, the total size of the Beta is 15GB on PS4, meaning it requires 30GB of free space.
As for PlayStation Plus requirements, Bungie says, “In the D2 Beta, the Homecoming story mission will be open to all. The Strike and Crucible will require PlayStation Plus and Xbox Live Gold.”
Here’s everything in the Destiny 2 Beta:
Campaign: Homecoming (Fireteam Size: 1, Matchmaking Unavailable)
- When launching the Destiny 2 Beta, players will first create a Character and play through the campaign mission Homecoming.
Crucible: Countdown and Control (Fireteam Size: 1-4, Matchmaking Available)
Players will have access to two Crucible game types, each featuring a specific map:
- Countdown – Attack and Defend objective gametype with Elimination rules. First team to 6 round score limit wins the match.
- Control – Teams compete to control objective zones which grant additional points when defeating opponents. Reaching the score limit or having the highest score by time limit wins the match
Strike: The Inverted Spire (Fireteam Size: 1-3, Matchmaking Available)
- Players will have access to one Strike activity. Players are placed into a Fireteam to complete objectives and proceed through Beta content on the planet Nessus.
Social Matchmaking Test
- On Sunday July 23 at 10:00 AM Pacific, players will have access to the Social Matchmaking Test Activity. This will be available for one hour for Destiny Service testing.
The Destiny 2 Open Beta for PS4 and Xbox One begins at 10am PT/1pm ET on Friday, July 21. The client will be available to download through the PlayStation Store and Xbox Live Marketplace beginning on July 21.
The Destiny 2 Beta will conclude at 9pm PT on Sunday, July 23.
In the above trailer from IGN, you’ll get a preview of their full Nessus video, which premieres on July 24 at 9am.
When will you be playing the Destiny 2 Beta?
[Source: Bungie, Bungie Help (1), (2), (3), Arekkz Gaming, Reddit, Eurogamer]
Destiny 2 Reveal - Things you May Have Missed
Things You May Have Missed in the Destiny 2 Gameplay Reveal
Bungie is notorious for hiding secrets, so we took a look at some things in the Destiny 2 gameplay reveal stream that you may have missed your first time through.
The Traveler is Restrained
Ghaul wants to take away Guardians light, but he does not want to destroy the Traveler. He wants to prove that the Traveler chose wrong. So he restrains the Traveler, cutting Guardians off from its light. What implications will this restraint have? Will we be able to free it before the end of Destiny 2?
Luke Smith's Changing Hoodies
Luke Smith wore two different hoodies during the reveal, one during his first appearance and one after we get a look at the gameplay. Why did he change them? What do the symbols on each of these hoodies mean? Were there any other hidden symbols in the reveal stream?
Zavala's Gun is the Same as the Mars Astronauts'
In the opening Zavala trailer, we see Zavala pick up a white auto rifle. This is the same white auto rifle that we can see the astronauts on Mars carrying when they discover the Traveler in the opening cinematic for Destiny.
The Speaker, Shaxx, and Saladin in the Camp
When Zavala arrives at the human camp, the Speaker, Shaxx, and Saladin are already there. It appears that Cayde and Ikora arrive at a later time. What was everyone up to before their arrival at the refugee camp, and the building of the Last City.
Young Amanda Holliday
When a ship flies by, we see a young Amanda Holliday show her clear fascination for the spacecraft. It also looks like that ship is the same as the one that our Guardian finds and repairs shortly after we wake up in the opening moments of Destiny.
Zavala's Defender Shield
We may be losing the Defender subclass in Destiny 2, but Zavala makes use of this favorite Titan subclass in the opening mission and cinematic. We also briefly see Ikora use blink to take Cayde with her into the shield, and Cayde use Golden Gun (what is he shooting at? There are no enemies in the Tower yet...).
Hive and Fallen
Cabal and Vex were the main enemies we see and fight in the gameplay footage that was shown, but watch closely and you'll catch hints of Fallen and Hive. It's still not clear in what capacity these enemies will return, or if they will even still be foes, but they are definitely going to make an appearance.
Driving Tanks
Gameplay footage showed a couple of different tanks driving around, and one split second screen even shows what appears to be the Tank in gameplay, meaning that sparrows likely won't be the only vehicle we drive. We'll see if it's only a couple of missions or a wider spread thing.
Missing Subclasses?
During the reveal, Sunbreaker Titan, Nightstalker Hunter, and Stormcaller Warlocks were not shown, mentioned, or even hinted at. Given that other existing subclasses were either replaced or significantly changed, it's likely that if and when we do see the three missing subclasses, they will be quite different from the ones we're used to.
Shard of the Traveler
If Ghaul takes our light, how do we still have our Ghosts and powers in Destiny 2? The new social space, The Farm, is located in the shadow of a shard of the Traveler that broke off before it came to settle over the Last City. We will draw our powers from this shard.
New Strike Details
Steve Cotton mentioned only a single new strike, but that was just for the gameplay session. Brief shots in the stream reveal details of at least one additional Strike that will involve SIVA, and chances are there will be plenty more than just two strikes to run.
The Sun Explodes
A couple of brief shots show the explosion of a sun, and the destruction of what appears to be Mercury, though some of the lore hounds seem to think that maybe this is a scene from something that happened in the Cabal world, rather than our own solar system.
The Raid
It wouldn't be Bungie if they weren't teasing the Raid. A few screens show quick captures of six Guardians running through different environments, which can only be the Raid. Some have speculated that it will take place in the ruins of the Last City and Tower, but it's more likely that the final campaign mission will be in the Tower, with the Raid taking place somewhere of Cabal interest in the European Dead Zone. This is supported by the variety of environments shown during brief glimpses in the reveal.