Update: Due to Metacritic not grabbing the dates for our early reviews, we initially didn’t include our first five 10/10 scores, with the first being God of War III. Article has been updated to reflect that.
PlayStation LifeStyle has been around for nearly 10 years, and I figured a fun way to kickoff our new statistical-driven feature By the Numbers would be to take a look at some of the lowest scores we’ve handed out to games over the years. Some readers asked to see the highest reviewed games, and there ended up being a lot more games that got awarded a 10 than a 1. Due to that, I’m separating this feature into a few parts.
PlayStation LifeStyle’s first 10 wasn’t awarded until 2010 (that’s nearly two years after the site started), but the site made up for lost time as six additional games received the honor that year. 2011 upped the ante even further, as eight games managed to receive the honor.
With that said, check out the first 16 games that were able to capture the reviewers’ hearts and have PlayStation LifeStyle give them a 10/10 rating below:
I’ve included the reviews for each game in the slideshow above. So, if you want to learn why each game earned their 10/10 rating then read the full text. As the great Dave Meltzer often says, “reading is your friend.”
Let us know what you think were the 2010 and 2011 best games in the comments below!
By the Numbers is a new weekly recurring feature that’ll look at gaming from a numbers-oriented view. Next week we’ll be back with the second of three parts taking a look at some of the site’s highest rated games.
Essential Reading:
- Hellblade and Why Mental Illness Needs the Mainstream Spotlight
- What’s in a Video Game Location?
- PS4 Games to Get in This Week’s PlayStation Store Sales (August 8)
BTN: 10/10s part one
Best Games of 2010 & 2011
God of War III
Anthony Severino writes in his review:
"God of War III is the ultimate climax to the most highly acclaimed franchise ever to grace PlayStation consoles. Kratos’ legacy of brutality and chaos ends with a remarkable bang. The game is brimming with unforgettable, jaw-dropping moments that will stay with you forever. As good as the previous God of War games were comparing them to God of War III is like comparing Mount Olympus to a single grain of sand. Kratos’ final journey is the crowning example of why we play video games. If you own a PlayStation 3, you owe it to yourself to play this game. If you don’t yet have a PlayStation 3, this is the reason to get one."
Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake
Zak Islam writes in his review:
"The nature of Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake is fun and each game mode will always make you smile – on the go. Its presentation stands out with colorful and bright cartoony visuals. Its simple yet innovative style, deep customization, tongue-in-cheek humor, along with a plethora of game modes makes Fat Princess: Fistful of Cake one of the best titles currently available on the PSP and indeed one of the best transitions from the PS3."
Red Dead Redemption
Joseph Peterson writes in his review:
"Overall, Rockstar has a real gem on their hands with Red Dead Redemption. The atmosphere is second to none, especially in regards to other games out there trying to wrangle the wild west. The characters, the world and the storyline all mesh perfectly to make an experience you won’t soon forget. If you haven’t already picked up Red Dead Redemption, we reckon after you read this, you’ll go out and grab a copy."
Shin Megami Tensei: Persona 3 Portable
Cameron Teague writes in his review:
"It is not often that you can release a game three times and still manage to get people excited with each release, which is exactly what Atlus has done with Persona 3. In fact, with each game, the story keeps getting more interesting and the game continues to find new ways to hook in not just new fans, but P3 veterans. Persona 3 has made an amazing transition to the PlayStation Portable system and all of the changes made to the title have pushed this game into a realm of its own. No matter if you have played every P3 release or you are just now hearing about this phenomenon, one thing is certain; If you own a PSP, this should be in your collection. With over 100+ hours of gameplay, Persona 3 Portable is one of the deepest and best experiences to be found on the PSP and is exactly what an RPG should be."
NHL 11
Cameron Teague writes in his review:
EA Sports has definitely made much-needed improvements to this years offering with new face offs, a new physics engine and improved menus. While the series is starting to show a couple of gray hairs here and there, the core game play elements that have stayed in tact are still fundamentally solid and the additions add plenty to enjoy. Hockey Ultimate Team is a welcome addition though it will take plenty of time to master and practice mode is a great mode for teams out there. EA Sports continues to be the cream of the crop when it comes to sports games. Series vets will be happy to find an improved game this time around and new players to the series will find plenty of fun to be had on their way to the cup."
Assassin's Creed: Brotherhood
Joseph Peterson writes in his review:
"There is no way not to compare this game to Assassin’s Creed II, especially considering that it is a direct sequel. With that said, Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood beats its predecessor in every aspect. It has a new team management system, a beautiful environment to explore, fantastic controls that will have you running all over the city, along with an engaging storyline. Throw in one of the most unique multiplayer experiences to date, and you have yourself one of the greatest games of the year. Simply put, do yourself a favor and pick up Assassin’s Creed: Brotherhood."
Gran Turismo 5
Anthony Severino writes in his review:
"Gran Turismo 5 is the pinnacle of the racing simulation genre. After years of technological progression, hardware is finally powerful enough to provide Polyphony Digital the platform needed to deliver such an unbelievably lifelike experience. Kaz Yamauchi’s passion for the racing sphere shines through every aspect of the game. The incredibly-detailed cars, the slick presentation, the spot-on physics. Polyphony Digital brought its A-game. Nothing else on the market can come close to the realism and immersion you feel throughout. Gran Turismo 5 is virtual racing at its very best."
Dead Nation
Corey Schwanz writes in his review:
"Dead Nation is more than just your average run-of-the-mill zombie shooter. With endless replay value, a Platinum trophy, and offline and online co-op, it puts together everything that gamers, not just shooter, zombie, or horror fans, will love. But even as a hardcore gamer, be prepared for a game that is hard. Nowhere near impossible (except maybe on the highest difficulty), but the game definitely makes you sweat. While you are one of the few survivors still left in the world, the gamespace feels alive as you are only one part of a worldwide resistance against the undead. Dead Nation has the full retail quality for a digital price. While the game never made it in time for Halloween, everyone should still pick up this title and experience a beautifully crafted zombie-infested world."
LittleBigPlanet 2
Jonathan Leack writes in his review:
"LittleBigPlanet 2 is a special game that entertains effectively, and does nothing less. Playing together with friends, and enjoying the unrestrained power of man’s creativity is a sight to behold. LittleBigPlanet 2 has good flavor, and charms in the most memorable of ways. It’s fun, will outlast this generation with content, and houses the most accessible editing tools on the market. If there’s one game that can make a bad day good, Sackboy and his latest venture with LittleBigPlanet 2 is it."
Mass Effect 2
Joseph Peterson writes in his review:
"While Mass Effect 2 was originally released back in January 2010 for the Xbox 360 and the PC, this is a brand new title for PlayStation 3 owners. The new package offers a fresh experience for newcomers, with tons of DLC included, and a more fluid experience for returning players who have already experienced it. Overall, the game is inarguably one of the most solid titles to come out in quite some time. Offering a fantastic storyline that will keep you on the edge of your seat from start to finish, BioWare has proven once again why it’s one of the top developers in the gaming industry. They took the time allotted and made an amazing game even more impressive. So what are you waiting for? Go get Mass Effect 2, it is available at retailers, and via the PlayStation Store."
Killzone 3
Corey Schwanz writes in his review:
"Killzone 3 is the ultimate ending to a new form of sci-fi epic. It is a story of interpersonal conflict and struggle more than two civilizations at war. By taking full advantage of the PlayStation 3 Guerrilla Games has created an expansive world and proves that even shooters can have a compelling narrative. With plenty of variety to keep the action fresh throughout the entire campaign, it never feels tiresome. Killzone 3 has once again set the bar for visuals and action and should be picked up by anyone, even if you don’t think you’re a fan of shooters."
Fight Night Champion
Anthony Severino writes in his review:
"Fight Night Champion is a great game in every aspect. Without the new Champion Mode, it would have been yet another successful installment under EA’s belt. But thanks to the game’s new Champion Mode, Fight Night Champion brings passion back to the sport of boxing and makes for the most entertaining sports game of all time. Fight Night Champion is a knockout, hands down. Everything else, is down for the count."
PixelJunk Shooter 2
Tyler Minarik writes in his review:
"It’s difficult to find fault with PixelJunk Shooter 2. The only facet in which the game seems to be lacking is with the story line. It opens with an explanation of current events, and each time a special survivor is found they have a small blurb of text regarding their surroundings, but beyond that the plot doesn’t evolve too much. However, by the end of the game it won’t matter much. Overall PixelJunk Shooter 2 shines in every way one could expect from a downloadable title, and it simply can’t come more highly recommended. If you enjoyed the original at all, just go buy the sequel now. PixelJunk Shooter 2 releases today, and makes a stellar addition to the PSN lineup."
Batman: Arkham City
Paulmichael Contreras writes in his review:
"If there is one game you buy this year, make it Batman: Arkham City. Few other games released this year will reach this level of polish, variety, story quality, action, scale, and length. This is a serious contender for Game of the Year; Uncharted 3 is going to have to perform some seriously mind-blowing antics to compete. With so much game packed onto this disc, it’ll have you scaling the vertical landscape of Arkham City for easily 40 plus hours. Playing as Catwoman and Robin also helps add to the playtime as well as provide different, refreshing ways to tackle situations. Rocksteady Studios has knocked it out of the park yet again, and we are looking forward to what this talented team comes out with next."
Uncharted 3: Drake's Deception
Anthony Severino writes in his review:
"The entire Uncharted 3: Drake’s Deception experience comes together and delivers an unforgettable adventure rich with cinematic eye-candy, intense action sequences, and a multiplayer component that convincingly entertains. Many will compare it to the Game of the Year-winning Uncharted 2: Among Thieves, but it’s better, by far. As a result of its predecessor’s skyscraping success, the level of expectation may be too high for Naughty Dog to surpass Uncharted 2 the way it did Uncharted: Drake’s Fortune. Simply put, that’s just not gonna happen (not this console generation, anyway), but it doesn’t really need to. Uncharted 3 is a masterpiece of a game in every way possible."
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim
Daniel Bischoff writes in his review:
"In terms of raw value, $60 seems like a paltry sum for the massive amounts of content and gameplay within Skyrim‘s heights. It will certainly prove to be the Game of the Year contender everyone can agree upon and continue that sentiment through 2012."