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Zoning Ranged Marauder Drongo Joins Paragon’s Roster Next Week for Free

The next addition to the Paragon roster will be a Marauder named Drongo. Known as “the master of the scrapyard,” this ranged attacker has plenty of tools in his arsenal. He’ll join the game on Tuesday, August 29. Like all Paragon characters, Drongo will be free.

Check out the trailer below:

Here are the full details via Epic Games’ site:

Drongo (Marauder / Attacker / Zoner / Sieger), the master of the scrapyard, has a tool for every situation. Though living in the chem wastes of Omeda has affected his mind, it has only made him more fearless and given him a keen sense for blowing things up.

  • Old Rusty (RMB/L2) – Drongo throws his trusty boomerang, dealing damage and slowing enemies hit. The boomerang will deal damage on the way out and when it returns to him.
  • Gag Grenade (Q/R1)  – Throw a tear gas grenade to a target location, and upon exploding it creates a silence field. Enemies will not be able to use abilities when inside the gas.
  • Rad Rounds  (E/L1) – Load Drongo’s revolver with Uranium tipped bullets. Landing attacks applies stacking radiation, which deal burst damage after a delay.
  • Shrapnel Cannon (R/L1+R1) – Drongo unleashes his cannon full of shrapnel, dealing a huge burst in front of him which shreds armor and knock back close enemies. The blast is so powerful that Drongo himself is knocked back by the ability.

Paragon is available now on PlayStation 4. Drongo will join the roster on Tuesday, August 29 for free.

Let us know in the comments below if you’re excited to check out Drongo, and if you’re still playing Epic Games’ MOBA!

[Source: Epic Games]

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