Metal Gear Survive Beta

Metal Gear Survive Announcement Incoming Tomorrow

It looks like Konami is going to reveal something big for Metal Gear Survive! The official Metal Gear Twitter has announced that… there will be an announcement tomorrow involving the new Metal Gear title. Will it be a trailer? A release date? We shall see!

Here’s the tweet for the announcement of the announcement:

In the meantime, check out our Metal Gear Survive E3 preview:

More than any other game this year, I was looking forward to finally getting my hands on Metal Gear Survive. This was both due to excitement (I adored Metal Gear Solid V), but also due to some skepticism. Seeing how it’s the first Metal Gear game since Hideo Kojima’s highly publicized departure from the company, I wanted to see if the series would still have its signature charm without its eccentric creator.

After a few minutes into my appointment, I was incredibly relieved. Metal Gear Survive, while definitely different, is still very much a Metal Gear game. Since it’s using the Fox Engine, the game’s action felt instantly familiar to me. All of The Phantom Pain‘s polished espionage action is present, but it’s used in a very different way. No longer are players sneaking into enemy bases in order to fulton everything that isn’t glued to the ground, as they are now defending themselves against hordes of zombie-like creatures.

Metal Gear Survive will be released in 2018 for PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. What are you hoping to see from tomorrow’s Metal Gear Survive announcement?

[Source: Twitter]