Bungie Announces Live Stream Schedule For More Destiny 2 Curse of Osiris Details

Announced at Sony’s Paris Games Week Conference on Monday, we now have a trailer and release date for Destiny 2’s first expansion, Curse of Osiris. Leading up to December 5, Bungie wants to keep players informed about what’s coming, so a series of three live streams will offer further details on the expansions and exactly what our Guardians will be getting into when they head off to find Osiris on Mercury.

At 11 AM Pacific on November 15, Bungie will be detailing the locations, new characters, and enemies that we’ll be fighting in the Curse of Osiris campaign.

At 11 AM Pacifc on November 21, we’ll be getting a look at the new activities and challenges that the Curse of Osiris will bring to the table.

And finally, at 11 AM Pacific on November 29, Bungie will be giving players a closer look at some of the gear that will be available, along with showing off a new Crucible map coming with the Curse of Osiris expansion.

Here’s the full schedule:

Curse of Osiris – Stream One – New Stories to Tell

11AM Pacific, Wednesday, November 15

Learn about the places you’ll go, the characters you’ll meet, and the enemies you’ll fight.

Curse of Osiris – Stream Two – New Ways to Play

11AM Pacific, Tuesday, November 21

Watch us preview some of the new activities that will challenge you and your Fireteam.

Curse of Osiris – Stream Three – New Gear to Earn

11AM Pacific, Wednesday, November 29

Inspect the new inventories and see it all in action on a brand new Crucible map.

Many members of the Bungie development team will be in the hot seats to tell you all about what they’ve been working on. We hope you’ll join us to be a part of the moment and sound off in chat.

We’ll be covering the important information from each of those streams, and then of course covering the release of Curse of Osiris on December 5, so if you’re eager to see what’s next for Destiny 2, stay tuned.

Bungie did announce a number of changes that they are actively working on for the Destiny 2 endgame. It’s not clear when these fixes will go live, but Bungie released a patch yesterday that changed some of the Crucible scoring, so the promised changes are already starting to take effect.

[Source: Bungie]

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