2017 was an amazing year for video games, and our year-end awards are kicking off this week! It’s an exciting time, and to help kick off the exciting time we had our staff members hand in their list of their favorite games of 2017. These weren’t limited to PlayStation titles (unlike our actual awards), so expect to see a few non-Sony games on the lists.
That’s why the question we posed in this week’s Now Loading was “What’s your top 10 games of the year?”
Check out the gallery below to find out what the staff thought of this week’s question:
Now that you’ve seen our answers, we’d love to see hear your thoughts on the matter at hand. Feel free to chime in below with your answer to this week’s question. We can’t wait to hear about what you think are the best games of 2017, and what titles really had an impact on you!
We’re always looking for suggestions for our next Now Loading. If you’ve got a good one then let us know via email (or leave a comment below), and we might feature it next week. If we do, we’ll make sure to include a special thank you to the sender!
Now Loading is a weekly recurring feature where the PlayStation LifeStyle staff discusses anything video game-related ranging from hot topics to more whimsical subjects. Past editions can be found here.
Essential Reading:
- This Week Shows How Powerful and Meaningless Consumer Outrage Can Be
- As I Mature, Actual Sunlight’s Ending Changes Meaning
- 8 PS4 Features That Would’ve Left My 10-Year-Old Self Speechless
top 10 games of 2017
What's your top games of the year?
Cameron Teague
- Persona 5
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- NHL 18
- Summon Night 6
- Everybody’s Golf
- NieR Automata
- Atelier Firis: The Alchemist and the Mysterious Journey
- Chroma Squad
- Yakuza 0
- Blue Reflection
Chandler Wood
- What Remains of Edith Finch
- Destiny 2
- Star Wars Battlefront II
- Pyre
- Middle-earth: Shadow of War
- Persona 5
- Crash Bandicoot N.Sane Trilogy
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Wolfenstein II
- Nier: Automata
Cody Gravelle
- NieR: Automata
- Persona 5
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Horizon: Zero Dawn
- Xenoblade Chronicles 2
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Life is Strange: Before the Storm (Episodes 1 & 2)
- Night in the Woods
- Assassin's Creed: Origins
- Super Mario Odyssey
Elizabeth Henges
- NieR: Automata
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Yakuza 0
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Pyre
- Persona 5
- Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia
- Shovel Knight: Specter of Torment
- Doki Doki Literature Club
- Pokemon Ultra Sun/Ultra Moon
- NieR: Automata
Paulmichael Contreras
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Yakuza 0
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Elite: Dangerous
- NieR: Automata
- Wolfenstein II
- Outlast II
- Resident Evil 7
- Persona 5
- Injustice 2
Tyler Treese
Doing this a little differently since I'll have an article detailing my favorite 10 games of the year, but here are the top 10 games of 2017 that I wish I had played/finished:
- Super Mario Odyssey
- Gravity Rush 2
- Prey
- The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
- Assassin's Creed Origins
- Cuphead
- The Evil Within 2
- Forza Motorsport 7
- Mario + Rabbids Kingdom Battle
- Hidden Agenda
Zarmena Khan
- Horizon Zero Dawn
- Yakuza 0
- Persona 5
- Hellblade: Senua's Sacrifice
- Tekken 7
- Uncharted: The Lost Legacy
- Dishonored: Death of the Outsider
- Yakuza Kiwami
- Assassin's Creed Origins
- Rime