cut bloodborne boss gameplay

Here’s How You Can Take on One of the Unseen Bosses in Bloodborne

Earlier this month, we talked about how Bloodborne players had been continuing to find and defeat bosses that were either cut from the game or hidden so deeply in it that they were previously never found. However, a recent post on ResetEra has revealed that now any player can jump in and take on a boss that was cut from the game.

[Stream] Zullie's Hacked Dungeon 1

Thanks to ResetEra user “Dio Over Heaven,” players have a pretty straightforward path to getting in on the unseen Bloodborne boss fun. The list of steps to getting to the area isn’t too hard, but does require a bit of timing. Players will need to:

  • Enter the chalice code “sikgc3sm“ into a chalice gravestone
  • Join the dungeon, then walk away from the gravestone
  • Turn back to the gravestone, press “X” next to it, and press “X” once again to warp to the boss room.

As you can see from the video above, it’s not ridiculously hard to accomplish, and any player with Bloodborne and a PS+ subscription can manage it. Commentors in the post on ResetEra have also discovered that players can hop into the chalice that has the Great One Beat by entering the chalice code “arkhv2vs” and following the steps above. While players might have once thought they couldn’t get into these unseen challenges, it’s nice to see that this type of content is available for anyone. Make sure to let us know in the comment section below if you plan on checking out the previously unknown bosses.

[Source: ResetEra]

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