Nostalgia is a powerful drug, and remakes are big business in the video game industry. Activision made a killing with the revival of Crash Bandicoot last year. They can also be critical successes as the recently released Shadow of the Colossus remake showed, the classics of yesteryear can still stack up with the best games of today with a new coat of paint.
That’s why the question we posed in this week’s Now Loading was “It was revealed last week that Bluepoint Games was working on yet another remake of a classic PlayStation title. What game would you like to see it be?”
Check out the gallery below to find out what the staff thought of this week’s question:
Now that you’ve seen our answers, we’d love to see hear your thoughts on the matter at hand. Feel free to chime in below with your answer to this week’s question. We can’t wait to hear about what classic PlayStation games you want to see remade!
We’re always looking for suggestions for our next Now Loading. If you’ve got a good one then let us know via email (or leave a comment below), and we might feature it next week. If we do, we’ll make sure to include a special thank you to the sender!
Now Loading is a weekly recurring feature where the PlayStation LifeStyle staff discusses anything video game-related ranging from hot topics to more whimsical subjects. Past editions can be found here.
Essential Reading:
- This Week Shows How Powerful and Meaningless Consumer Outrage Can Be
- As I Mature, Actual Sunlight’s Ending Changes Meaning
- 8 PS4 Features That Would’ve Left My 10-Year-Old Self Speechless
Now Loading: Sony Franchises Revive
Now Loading: What Sony Classic Needs a Remake?
Tyler Treese
There's only one true classic in Sony's library as far as I'm concerned. So, Blasto obviously. -
Zarmena Khan
Twisted Metal!
Cameron Teague
Suikoden 2 or 3.
Anthony Nash
Either Syphon Filter (bring back the taser!!) or one of the Legacy of Kain titles.
Chandler Wood
Give me Legend of Dragoon on a modern console. I miss that game so much.
Paulmichael Contreras
Syphon Filter would be a great remake. Maybe the original trilogy plus the two PSP games? -
Louis Edwards
I'd rather just have a new IP versus a remake of anything, but then again I'm old and have played every type of game imaginable. I would love to see something not done before and just be shocked by its awesomeness.
Blake Grundman
I am with everyone else saying Syphon Filter. It has been long enough!
Keri Honea
For the husband, Syphon Filter. For me, Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII.
True fact: our eldest is named after the Syphon Filter protagonist.
Michael Briers
Future Cop: LAPD