After teasing the introduction of a brand new character, during one of their latest broadcasts for Dissidia Final Fantasy NT, Square Enix revealed that Final Fantasy VI character Locke Cole would be joining the action RPG fighting as a new playable character. Judging by a brief introductory trailer, it seems as if his inclusion will open the door up for more possibilities when it comes to the 3-on-3 team action of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT.
You can check out the introductory trailer for Locke Cole below:
Not only will Cole come with his own signature moves, but he will also have alternate skins for his costume and weapons in the game as well. With Cole acting as a new male character from the first half of the Final Fantasy series, Square Enix has dropped some clues for the next four DLC characters players can expect (via Siliconera):
- New female character (from latest half)
- New male character (from latest half)
- Female character who previously appeared in Dissidia Final Fantasy series (from latest half)
- New male character (from latest half)
For more on the fighting game, check out our Dissidia Final Fantasy NT review. Here’s a snippet of what reviewer Chandler Wood had to say:
Without the inclusion of basic in-game move lists or character tutorials, Dissidia Final Fantasy NT presents players with a pretty steep barrier to entry and learning curve. It does itself a disservice by not providing the tools necessary for players to get the most out of the experience. As a huge Final Fantasy fan, I was determined to learn the ins-and-outs of Dissidia’s complex systems. Once I crested that peak, I was addicted. “Just one more match” has never become more a part of my gaming vocabularly than during the last week while pitting Bartz against Kuja or teaming Cloud of Darkness with Y’shtola. Dissidia is Final Fantasy through and through, from epic battles to incredible music to deep and obscure mechanics that most players won’t fully understand until they are hours into the game.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT update 1.06 is available now.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Season Pass Character Wishlist
Characters We Want in the Dissidia Final Fantasy NT Season Pass
Every main character and villain is already represented, so Dissidia Final Fantasy NT has the opportunity to add some of the supporting cast members to change the game. Here are the ones we most want to see.
Locke Cole - Final Fantasy VI
Type: Assassin
Locke is an iconic character from FFVI and deserves to get a bit more attention. As a thief, he'd make a great assassin type character, someone who can get in close quickly and stealthily, deal damage, and then get out. He could have some unique stealth abilities that would prevent enemies from locking onto him for short periods of time.
Setzer Gabbiani - Final Fantasy VI
Type: Specialist
Setzer is a gambler, and his moveset could just as easily rely on lady luck to buff allies, debuff enemies, and deal devastating damage. This is the type of character that could really encourage strong team plays, and it would be a great way to get a little more Final Fantasy VI into Dissidia.
Vincent Valentine - Final Fantasy VII
Type: Marksman
Although Vincent's primary move set would use guns and magic for long range attacks, his claw could provide some deadly moves if enemies do end up closing in. He also has the chance to be one of the most agile marksman class characters, something unique for ranged types in Dissidia.
Red XIII (Nanaki) - Final Fantasy VII
Type: Vanguard
Red XIII is an opportunity to change things up a little bit, adding a four-legged character instead of the traditional bipedal ones. I see him as a heavy damaging vanguard type, but his animal instincts could make for some bursts of agility and unique moves that would devastate enemies up close.
Barret Wallace - Final Fantasy VII
Type: Marksman
It's the man with a machine gun for an arm! Barret has the opportunity to be one of the heaviest hitting marksman types, but he'd have to have low mobility to compensate. I'd see him as a bizarre clash between a ranged character and a tank, someone that can defend will in close, but can rain hell from afar.
Tifa Lockhart - Final Fantasy VII
Type: Vangaurd
Let's just put every Final Fantasy VII character in Dissidia. Tifa has been in Dissidia previously, so it's surprising that she wasn't on the roster this go around. She could deal a lot of damage up close, with the ability to extend her kicks and punches into long combos.
Cait Sith - Final Fantasy VII
Type: Specialist
Bizarrely, Cait Sith is the name of the cat riding the robotic moogle, but the cat itself is also robotic, having been controlled during Final Fantasy VII by Reeve Tuesti. What would be quite a brilliant bit of meta would be to make the character in Dissidia be Reeve, and when selected, players control Cait Sith, but I digress.
Cait Sith would be a specialist type character, mostly good for buffing party members and debuffing the enemy, though he could set up through his slots move to deal a lot of damage on rare occasions.
Laguna Loire - Final Fantasy VIII
Type: Marksman
Laguna has already been part of the Dissidia universe, so I wouldn't be surprised to see him return. As the machine gun wielding alter-hero of Final Fantasy VIII, he deserves to have the chance to polish his weapon once again to deal ranged damage in small, but persistent, bursts against foes.
Rinoa Heartilly - Final Fantasy VIII
Type: Marksman
I really just want Rinoa in the game because of her Angelo Cannon special attack, where she shoots her dog Angelo at enemies off of her wrist-mounted blade projectile launcher. She'd also make for a really cool marksman type character that could deal a lot of damage at range.
Seifer Almasy - Final Fantasy VIII
Type: Vanguard
Seifer is a great foil to Squall, having given him his iconic facial scar in Final Fantasy VIII's opening cutscene. Instead of copying what Squall already brings to the game, he would be a more heavy hitting vanguard version, bringing the damage and the pain with his gunblade.
Vivi Ornitier - Final Fantasy IX
Type: Ranged
Vivi could hurtle increasingly powerful spells towards his opponents at range, but he'd also have a fair amount of white magic abilities as well, healing the party and offering buffs at times. Though his primary role would be ranged attacker, he multiclasses into specialist for party buffs.
Auron - Final Fantasy X
Type: Vanguard
Having served as a Guardian with both Jecht and Tidus (For Braska and Yuna respectively), it only makes sense to add this manifestation of the Fayth to the roster, getting the band back together for more epic battles (not to mention that the entire story of Dissidia Final Fantasy NT centers around manifestations of memory). He'd primarily be a damage dealer with heavy attacks that can boost his bravery and lead to devastating HP attacks.
Balthier - Final Fantasy XII
Type: Marksman
Balthier is the rogueish, Han Solo-esque ranged type. He would primarily deal damage with his gun, but he'd retain a number of tricky tactics to fool his enemies. He is a scoundrel after all!
Sazh Katzroy - Final Fantasy XIII
Type: Marksman
Sazh would be another fun ranged character, and I want to see that little chocobo in his fro play some part in his attacks! As a L'cie, there are some interesting things you could do with any character from Final Fantasy XIII, but Sazh is the one we'd most like to see.
Gladio - Final Fantasy XV
Type: Vangaurd
Honestly, Dissida could use more vanguard class fighters. I'd love to see Gladio join the fray just to hit enemies hard and rock a glorious mullet the way that no other character can.
Prompto - Final Fantasy XV
Type: Marksman
Prompto would obviously be a marksman character, damaging enemies at range, but getting up close would give him the opportunity to use his camera for special moves, perhaps buffing or debuffing (as well as the potential for taking some cool in-game screenshots!). I'd love to see that Prompto busted out a selfie just as a teammate landed a winning HP attack.
Ignis - Final Fantasy XV
Type: Specialist
Ignis's main role would be crafting recipes and cooking food. It could change depending on the combination of enemies/allies. There are a lot of opportunities for some unique gameplay with Ignis as a Dissidia character.