We all had our predictions for what would be announced at E3, but there were also plenty of games we thought should be there no matter what. I mean, if a game is coming out this year, or even early 2019, why wouldn’t it be at E3? Microsoft’s press conference was pretty much all 2019, all the time.
And of course, there were a couple we knew wouldn’t be there, and yet hoped they would anyway. Nothing wrong with hope, right?
Major wishes aside—such as Cameron’s hope for a Suikoden VI announcement—we tabulated what we thought would be present at the show in some form or fashion. Obviously they were not, because otherwise, they wouldn’t be on this list.
Did we miss any E3 no-shows you thought would be at the show? Let us know in the comments below!
Don’t miss all of our E3 2018 coverage.
Essential Reading:
- Four Trailers In, and Death Stranding is Still Every Bit as Mysterious
- Days Gone Has ‘Polarizing’ Written All Over It
- The Biggest E3 Surprises in Sony History
E3 2018 No Shows
Final Fantasy VII Remake
This was such a surprising no-show of the show, Square Enix has had to soothe worried press and fans that yes, it's still a thing and yes, it's coming along well. Then again, it's not surprising, as it is rather Square Enix of them to mention the remake everyone wants and then show nothing about it for years to come.
Red Dead Redemption 2
There were rumors that Red Dead Redemption 2 was behind super secret double probation doors at E3, but they've since then been squashed. But for something coming out this year, it's rather amazing they showed diddlysquat about this highly anticipated title. No demo. No presentation. It was not a thing on the show floor or behind doors of any kind.
The Rocksteady Project
We STILL have no idea what this mystery project from Rocksteady could be. We have plenty of conjecture and teases, however. All signs are pointing toward some type of Superman game, but we have no concrete idea. The current game director apologized for their E3 absence, and yet emphasized that they'll show something when they're ready, dammit.
Shenmue III
Just a few E3s ago, Sony had the crowdfunding announcement for Shenmue III at their own press conference. Since then, we've had reports here and there on the game's progress, the latest being that the release has been delayed to 2019. Plenty of 2019 games had an appearance at this year's show, but there was nary a word from the Shenmue team.
Borderlands 3
We already knew that Borderlands 3 was not going to be at E3, but it didn't stop anyone from hoping. Gearbox has a release window of between "October 2018 and September 2019," and that's all we've heard about it. I have a feeling that fans would have been happy with simply a teaser poster at 2K's booth.
Rumored Splinter Cell
Fans of this series have been beside themselves over the prospect of a new entry in the Splinter Cell series. Ubisoft hasn't commented that there is anything in the works, only that they're open to returning to the franchise one day. Evidently that one day is not now. It certainly didn't help that Walmart Canada leaked a Splinter Cell listing.
Square Enix's Avengers Project
Square Enix's Avengers game was also assumed to appear at E3 in some form or fashion. That was a hard NOPE. All we have now is a rumor that it has been rebooted into Avengers Ultimate Alliance.