e3 2018 stats

Stats Show PS4 and Fortnite Dominated E3 Coverage, EA Games Experience Decline in Interest

Market intelligence firm ICO Partners has published some interesting stats from E3 week, revealing that this year’s event saw a decline in media coverage compared to previous years. E3 remained open to public and boasted increased attendance but lack of major announcements resulted in a relative decrease in interest this year. The current generation of platforms inching towards the end of their life cycles certainly contributed to the decline.

Worth noting that in previous years, revised versions of the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and new technologies like PlayStation VR generated a lot of buzz that was absent this year.

Overall, PlayStation 4 dominated coverage on the hardware side, followed by Xbox One. However, both Microsoft and Sony saw a significant downward trend in coverage whereas Nintendo experienced an increase.

In terms of software, Fortnite, Fallout 76, and Cyberpunk 2077 topped E3 coverage. Although Electronic Arts remains the most mentioned publisher, its games generated less media interest than previous years. ICO notes that this could be attributed to EA showcasing either annual franchises or games that were already covered before.

Ubisoft lost the second spot to Bethesda this year as Sega inched ahead of Activision, which came in last.

You can check out the full report over on ICO Partners’ website.

[Source: ICO Partners]

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