bethesda fallout games

Bethesda “Less Likely” to Have External Studios Develop Fallout Games

Fallout: New Vegas, developed by Obsidian, is a fan-favorite title in the Fallout franchise. For years, folks have awaited news of that team returning to the series. As time goes on, the less likely its seems that such an announcement will come to pass. With Fallout 76 taking a detour from what may be considered the mainline games, hopes are once again high for another New Vegas-esque spin off. Unfortunately, for the foreseeable future at least, hopes are all there will be.

Obsidian devs have been forthcoming about their wish to one day return to Fallout. However, Bethesda won’t soon offer them the opportunity. In an interview with The Guardian, Todd Howard doesn’t outright dismiss the possibility of having an external studio develop another Fallout game. Yet, he does put a pin in it for the time being. “I wouldn’t say never,” he reveals. “[But] now that our company is so big, it’s always better to keep stuff internal… it becomes less likely, but I could never say never. I thought the Obsidian guys did a fabulous job.”

In recent years, Bethesda Game Studios has expanded, adding two new developers under its wing. The two satellite studios include, Bethesda Game Studios Montreal, established in late 2015, and Bethesda Game Studios Austin, which BGS officially brought on board in March of this year. With offices in Maryland, Montreal, and Austin, Howard’s hesitance to commit to the possibility of having other teams work on Fallout is certainly understandable. But it would still be nice to see what Obsidian could accomplish with the series after all of these years.

Fallout 76 launches on November 14 of this year.

[Source via GameSpot]

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