Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age comes out this week and we’ve already told you all how much we like it, but perhaps you’re new to this whole Dragon Quest thing. Maybe you don’t know a metal slime from a bubble slime. That makes me a little sad, but with Dragon Quest XI debuting on the PlayStation 4, now might just be the best possible time to give the series a shot. So why not take the time to read a few tips on what to expect?
For the most part, Dragon Quest XI will feel nice and familiar to anyone with a history in JRPGs. But there’s a few things relatively unique to the series that are worth knowing beforehand.
Check out the gallery below for a list of ten tips I think would be handy for someone who is picking up Dragon Quest XI as their first game in the series. If it isn’t your first Dragon Quest, you’ll probably be fine figuring it all out for yourself. That’s especially true if you played any of the versions out there of Dragon Quest VIII: Journey of the Cursed King, which shares lots of similarities with this latest entry.
Let us know in the comments if you plan to pick up the game!
Dragon Quest 11 Tips September 2018
DQXI Tips and Tricks
Homemade is Always Better
Don't neglect the Fun-Size Forge! It's easy enough to get through the game by just buying equipment, but if you find recipes and take advantage of the crafting system, there's a lot more than a cute, little minigame here. Not only can you get some seriously powerful equipment, but you can occasionally find recipes for pieces that will actually change the look of your characters.
Keep Your Money Safe
It's easy to ignore the banks entirely (I do these days), but if you're still finding your footing in Dragon Quest then I can't recommend them enough. Getting your party wiped out won't take you to a game over screen, but you will lose half of your hard-earned gold when you respawn. Dumping your extra thousands into the bank when you're still in town can be an enormous time-saver.
Read All the Things
Read all the books! Reading is good for you, especially in Dragon Quest XI. If you see a bright, red book on a shelf, there's something interesting to be found. Sometimes it's an interesting anecdote or goofy story, and other times it's a collection of recipes you won't find anywhere else.
Go Camping
On various spots on the map, you'll find campsites. Don't be in so much of a hurry that you run past them! There are a few benefits to visiting them. The Fun-Size Forge lives here, you can save and heal in the middle of a map, it creates a new Zoom point, and you can also talk to your party members for additional commentary on what's happening in the story.
Don't Rest Your Laurels at the Credits
This slide is about the story. Instead of spoilers, here's a deer. Anyway, PSA: when the credits roll, you aren't done. I'm not just talking about JRPG-style endgame content, there's even more to the story, with a "true ending" you can chase.
The Menu Section is Your Friend
The "info" section tucked away in the menu is a precious resource. If you pop open the menu, you can find it after choosing "misc." Under info, you can find records of almost everything you've done, including which monsters and crafting materials you've found and where.
Talk to Your Party
It's easy to forget about, but remember to check out the Party Talk option every now and then. Dragon Quest games have tons of hidden dialogue from your party members, and XI is no exception there. Party Talk not only helps remind you what's going on in the story, but it also gives you insight on how the different characters react to various situations.
Specialize Your Skills
I'm not a huge fan of the skill system, but there are a couple things you'll want to consider while you're figuring it out. One, you'll want to specialize. Trying to spread yourself out through various categories is a dead end in terms of progression. Also, if you find yourself making mistakes, you can go to a church and redo your point allotments for a fee. Some characters come with skill points already spent in places you might not want as well, so it's an easy fix.
How to Take Down Metal Slimes
The time-honored tradition of Dragon Quest is hunting metal slimes for EXP. These guys have super high defense and run away fast, but if you take one down you'll get tons of EXP. What's the best way to take them down? Well, you can try the Metal Slash sword skill to guarantee damage every turn, or you can try my favorite technique, which is to outfit Jade with a spear and use the critical hit abilities to guarantee a kill the moment you land a hit. It's still a dice roll, but much less frustrating.
Erik is More Than a Good Friend
It cannot be understated how good your best buddy Erik is. If you want some good, early combat advice, keep Erik on knives. He has a couple skills that will either inflict poison or sleep, then a pair of abilities that will do six times normal damage to an enemy with either status effect. Then if you put some points into Guile, Erik also gets a skill that duplicates himself for even more damage. You can tear through several bosses with this setup in no time.