the division free weekend

The Division Free Weekend Begins September 14, 2018

While Ubisoft preps for The Division 2 for March 2019, it is letting players try out the first game for free! You need to have a PlayStation Plus account to take part in this The Division free weekend, but considering you need one to play online anyway, that shouldn’t be an issue for those interested. The free weekend began on September 14, 2018, and it will run until the end of September 16, 2018.

Joining the free weekend is simple. Just go to the PlayStation Store page for The Division, and you’ll be able to download the game. Keep in mind this is separate from the free trial that lets you play up until you reach level eight or for up to six hours. All progress made during the free weekend can be carried over to the full game, if you decide to purchase it.

If you end up enjoying your time in The Division, you can also get the game at a massively discounted price! Until September 25, 2018, both the standard and Gold Editions of The Division are 70% off. That means you can get your hands on the standard edition for $14,99 and the Gold Edition for $26.99. In addition, “select vanity items” will be half off during the free weekend.

The Division 2 will be released on March 15, 2019 for the PlayStation 4, Xbox One, and PC. Be sure to read why Ubisoft believes both The Division and The Division 2 can exist side-by-side.

[Source: Ubisoft]