fallout 4 new vegas

See the Fallout: New Vegas Character Creator in the Fallout 4 Engine

Fallout: New Vegas is an installment beloved by many Fallout fans. People like it so much, some dedicated fans are attempting to bring the 2010 RPG to Bethesda’s Creation Engine. The Fallout 4: New Vegas project may be long and difficult, but the team appears to have made great progress. Recently, a clip of the Fallout: New Vegas character creator running in the Fallout 4 engine was released.

Take a look at it here:

Fallout 4: New Vegas is an attempt to recreate New Vegas in Fallout 4 with mods. While the effort is impressive, it’s only a small chunk of an expansive, open-world game. As such, there is currently no set release date for the project, which originally began in August 2017.

Right now, the Fallout 4: New Vegas team is only attempting to rebuild the base game (working on the DLC expansions is not off of the table). If that sounds interesting to you, you can even join the team on its official website, as the group of fans is looking for experienced candidates.

In other Fallout news, Fallout 76 will be released on November 14, 2018. It represents a drastic change for the series, as it is an always-online multiplayer title. There is a campaign, though! Bethesda expects it to be played “in perpetuity,” so expect it to have a long lifespan.

[Source: Polygon]

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