fallout 76 twitch viewership

The Fallout 76 Twitch Viewer Count Is Much Lower Than Fallout 4’s at Launch

When it comes to Fallout 76, it seems sales are not the only figure that are taking a dive. Compared to the launch of Fallout 4 in 2015, viewership on Twitch has similarly taken a massive hit. GitHyp, a website that collects viewer data from Twitch, has reported that interest in Fallout 76 is on a steady downward spiral.

On the B.E.T.A.’s first day, Fallout 76 hit a peak of 186,000 concurrent viewers across all streams on Twitch. The game’s launch day streams saw a comparatively massive drop, as Fallout 76 peaked at 106,000 concurrent viewers. That’s a 56% decline compared to Fallout 4’s peak day one numbers of 243,000.

During Fallout 76’s first week on the market, the Twitch audience declined another 55%, according to GitHyp. At the time of writing, these numbers have Bethesda’s latest sitting at #51 on Twitch’s most watched games of 2018 list. Its placement comes from the game having just over 13.5 million views across the platform since launch.

Does this spell doom for Fallout 76 in the long run? It’s hard to tell. However, it’s interesting that what may arguably be Bethesda’s most streamer-friendly title, given its multiplayer nature, isn’t performing too well on Twitch.

When it comes to physical sales in the UK at least, Fallout 76 is not doing well as well as people might expect. When compared to Fallout 4’s launch, physical sales in the UK are down a whopping 82.4%. What this means for the Fallout 76 release overall remains to be seen, as numbers from other territories have yet to surface.

Since launch, Bethesda has taken great strides to address some common bugs and complaints. In fact, Fallout 76′s first patch weighed a monstrous 47GB. Will continuous support of this magnitude turn the tide for Fallout’s newest entry? We’ll have to wait and see.

[Source: GitHyp via VGR]

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