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Prepare for Monster Hunter: World’s Arch-Tempered Kulve Taroth and Nergigante

A lot was shared during today’s special developer update for Monster Hunter: World. Kulve Taroth and Nergigante are arriving as Arch-Tempered Monsters. The Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth Siege will be available from December 19th at 4 pm PST until January 3rd at 3:59 pm PST. Meanwhile, Arch-tempered Nergigante will be available sometime in spring 2019.

Check out the reveal in the video excerpt below.

The notable difference between Kulve Taroth and the Arch-tempered version is that you’ll be able to get this monster into a “furied” state before it sheds its gold plating. This will cause the beast to unleash more powerful attacks, but if you complete the siege while Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth is in its furied state, you’ll be able to gain special rewards. You even have a chance to get new rainbow items among your Siege rewards, if you defeat Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth under certain conditions.

Additionally, a new gamma series of armor can be made from Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth materials. With Arch-tempered Kulve Taroth here, the standard Kulve Taroth will no longer appear. However, you can still reap the same benefits from the Arch-tempered version.

Monster Hunter: World has plenty more on the way, with the Appreciation Fest just around the corner. And 2019 is already full of extra content ranging from a new crossover featuring The Witcher to a massive expansion pack. Also, if you still haven’t gotten into Monster Hunter: World, be sure to take advantage of the free, limited-time trial that starts tomorrow.

[Source: YouTube]

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