Fallout 76

Fallout 76 Will Launch a New Mode Without PvP Restrictions

In the most recent “Inside the Vault” blog post on Bethesda’s website, the team looked ahead into 2019, which really is just around the corner. During the first quarter of the upcoming year, you can expect Fallout 76 to get a new game mode in which players can interact without PvP restrictions. Work together or not, the choice is yours.

The studio claimed this is only the beginning when it comes to game updates and new content. It’s no secret that Fallout 76 has flopped in the eyes of most players and critics, but we’ve seen games make a comeback before. It seems like Bethesda is aiming to do just that in 2019.

In addition to adding more content to the game, the team will aim to be more transparent regarding the changes coming to Fallout 76. On this note, future patch notes “will include some brief thoughts from our developers that hopefully gives the community more insight into the changes we’re making and why.”

Next week’s “Inside the Vault” will highlight festive photos from the community. So if you’re spending time in the wasteland this holiday season, be sure to share those experiences using the hashtag #Holiday 76 on Twitter and/or Instagram.

Are you playing Fallout 76? If so, what changes do you want to see made in 2019? Let us know in the comments below.

[Source: Bethesda]

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