The New Fighting EX Layer Update Nerfs Teleports in a Huge Way

A new update will be coming to Fighting EX Layer, an FGC cult favorite, on January 10, 2019. The celebrated fighting game, developed by ARIKA, has received continuous balancing and tweaking since launch, and the once bare-bones PS4 package is turning into a serious contender in tournaments and in competitive communities.

This update adds a brand new mode, Event Mode, and makes some pretty significant nerfs to teleport. Basically, teleport is much more punishable than it used to be, and you can no longer appear in mid-air. Players were having a hard time reacting to teleport in a latency-and-lag-free environment, which means it was even harder in online matches.

Here’s the rundown of everything new in version 1.1.3:

System Changes

  • Event Mode added (Arcade version only)
  • When using NESiCA, your last played character will be saved (Arcade version only)
  • After losing in Versus, a CPU battle will begin (Arcade version only)
  • The Online Matching has been improved for times when the connection is poor (PS4 version only)

Game Changes

  • Teleport has been changed
  • No longer can appear in mid-air
  • The startup motion for the Teleport has been slightly extended
  • You are unable to block for 1F directly after appearing from the Teleport
  • Allen’s Expert Challenge #16 has been changed (PS4, Steam version only)
  • Some parameters for the Hit System have been adjusted (This makes the PS4 version and Steam version identical)

ARIKA knows that this is a big change, but it’s one that had to happen. With humility they admit in the Facebook update post that “…at ARIKA, we will continue developing on the edge between ‘Fun’ and ‘Broken’, so please kindly watch over us.”