Remember the PlayStation Vita? The Sony handheld that did a lot of incredible things that never got the love it deserved? Well, it’s still hanging on, despite Sony pulling the plug from all physical releases and lack of proper support, in general. Seemingly out of nowhere, a firmware update released for the handheld. It gives us improvements to system performance.
After checking on the official website for the system, there doesn’t seem to be anything noteworthy pertaining to this update, sadly. After the homebrew community worked their magic, they were able to find a bit more on this update. A Twitter user by the name of Silica posted their findings and it’s mostly underwhelming.
It is worth mentioning that “NEAR” is actually referring to party chat and not the app that finds nearby Vita users. That app was discontinued a while ago.
Many PS Vita supporters probably saw this as a happy surprise, but after looking at what the update entails, it’s nothing worth writing home about. Still, it’s nice to see Sony supporting the little system that could, even if it’s in the most insignificant way possible.
Last year, Sony announced that all physical cartridges would be discontinued by March of 2019, but it seems that might be happening sooner. After publisher, Limited Run Games was struggling to meet demands of Vita projects due to a cartridge shortage, many of their projects were put on hold, maybe indefinitely.
Additionally, it was announced that Catherine: Full Body Edition, a remaster of the beloved original, would not be coming to the Vita in the West, as originally planned. To an extent, it’s understandable, especially when the sales figures for the system were so low in the West and it might not be a lucrative business move. However, as a Vita lover, it’s sad to see the system go out like this.
Will you be turning on your Vita for the latest firmware update? Let us know!
[Source: Twisted Voxel]
10 Vita Games That Are Better Than Their PS4 Counterparts
10 Vita Games That Are Better Than Their PS4 Counterparts
Crypt of the Necrodancer
Crypt of the Necrodancer is a genius blend of dungeon crawling and rhythm games. It's also a perfect fit for the PlayStation Vita. Plug in a pair of headphones, and the game's fantastic music really takes over not only your eardrums, but your mind. There's really no reason not to play Brace Yourself Games' modern classic on the go.
Hotline Miami
Hotline Miami is one of the most stylish and brutally fun indie games to ever come out, and the Vita version is arguably the best way to experience it. The dual analog sticks allow players to play as intended, but the ability to lock on with the touchscreen is a real game changer. If you want to go on a real trip then play Hotline Miami on Vita.
OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood
Roll7's OlliOlli series debuted on PlayStation Vita, and it turns out that's where it's best played. OlliOlli2: Welcome to Olliwood solidified this after launching for both PS4 and Vita on the same day. The frantic gameplay that has players constantly retrying the same levels over and over just feels more natural on Vita, and nothing is really gained by having it on your TV.
Pix the Cat
While the Vita version of Pix the Cat loses an okay, yet ultimately forgettable, multiplayer mode, it's enhanced by the pick up and play nature of portable play. Pix the Cat is best suited in high score runs that only take a few minutes, and it can provide a lot of entertainment in short bursts.
Rogue Legacy
Rogue Legacy might not be the best choice for this list, as having such an addictive game constantly at your fingertips means it might just take over your life. The Vita version of Cellar Door Games' hit platformer is a perfect port that loses nothing in the transition. These types of ports of high profile indie games are a large reason why the Vita still receives attention from gamers.
Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien
Choice Provision's Runner2: Future Legend of Rhythm Alien is one of the best runner games ever made, and it's non-surprisingly a blast on Vita. The difficult, yet satisfying, action and fantastic sound design shine just as bright on Vita as it does elsewhere. It also has the benefit of being the only way to play the game on the go, which is perfect since the levels are so short.
Shovel Knight
Shovel Knight is one of the most gorgeous 2D platformers in recent memory, and the graphics really shine on the Vita's OLED screen. It's a perfect way to spend your commute, although you might unfortunately miss your stop a few times!
Peanut butter and jelly. Popcorn and butter. French fries and ketchup. Spelunky and Vita. Some things are just made for each other and that's the case here. The addictive nature, and simple controls, of Spelunky are an absolute perfect fit on the Vita. It's easy to play the daily challenge before you go to bed, and then accidentally stay up until 3am trying to defeat Olmec.
Super Meat Boy
Team Meat's classic masocore platformer found a lot of success on PC and Xbox 360. Many years later, Super Meat Boy found new life by being released on PlayStation consoles, and the Vita version is a joy to play. The controls feel like a perfect fit for the system, and you'll never feel like you're missing out by not using a DualShock 4. This is the best way to play Super Meat Boy on a PlayStation system.
Both of Mike Bithell's games have seen great Vita releases, but Volume really sticks out. His stealth game's unique art style really works well on the portable system. Also, since the port is top-notch, there are no technical issues to think of that have plagued some other ambitious ports.