Back at the 2018 Video Game Awards in December, Ed Boon casually strolled out on stage to reveal the winner for the Best Sports/Racing category. Before he could say much, a lighting bolt cut across the screen and we were instead treated to a short but gory teaser for a brand new Mortal Kombat game. Coming April 23, 2019, Mortal Kombat 11 is the next chapter in the longstanding fighting game series best known for its over-the-top violence and extreme gore. The teaser proved that none of that brutality would be lost in this next entry, and we were promised a full gameplay reveal, along with story and characters, on January 17, 2019.
If you want to watch the Mortal Kombat 11 reveal live, you can do so right here.
If the embedded live stream above isn’t working, you can check out the Mortal Kombat 11 reveal directly on Twitch, YouTube, or Mixer.
The live stream will begin with a pre-show at 10:30 am Pacific. At 11 am, the official reveal starts up and runs for an hour, after which there will be a post-show from Noon to 2:15 pm. There are a few guests at the show, including celebrities like Ronda Rousey, fueling speculation about her involvement with the game.
NetherRealm and Warner Bros. promise that the reveal will showcase gameplay, story, and characters from the upcoming game. We already know a few things about Mortal Kombat 11, including custom character variations that will be included, similar to Injustice 2’s gear system. There are rumors that Spawn could be a guest character in the game, and he might be revealed today. One character we know for sure will be in the game is right on the cover. Of course, it was no question that Scorpion would be back.
What do you think of Mortal Kombat 11? Have any predictions ahead of the show? Feel free to discuss the event in the comments below.
Now Loading - New Year's Resolutions January 2019
Our Gaming New Year's Resolutions
Here's what we want to accomplish in gaming in the new year!
Annette Polis
Aside from dwindling down my backlog, I'm hoping to play more indie and small developer gems. I already own quite a few quirky looking titles (both impulse purchases and Plus freebies) that I need to enjoy and I'd love to find more. My other big goal is to get back to a regular Twitch streaming schedule. Not sure why it is but I find that streaming helps me work on finishing up titles rather than letting them get stagnant in my backlog.
Chandler Wood
In previous years, I would have made some absurd goal with getting some arbitrary number of Platinum trophies, but while I still love earning Trophies, my aspirations have evolved.
In 2019, my biggest goal is to play games for fun and enjoyment, never letting any games tether me that I'm not having fun with, and not feeling bad playing a lot of something that I am enjoying spending my time with.
I also want to take 2019 to focus on the games that I love. There are plenty of games that I may not like, but I don't want to waste my time or energy on hate.
I also want to play a lot more in VR, as I don't get much physical fitness. It's a great way to combine games and keeping healthy. Even if just a little bit, it's a whole lot more than I have been doing.
Jenni Lada
As boring as this may sound, I don't have any gaming resolutions for 2019. I'm happy with the status quo.
Keri Honea
I want to resolve to learn when to let games go. I have this bad habit of forcing my way through a game even when I hate it, just to say I've finished it. Yes, it has made me as miserable as it sounds. I'm ready to let go of that competitive spirit I have against myself.
Lucas White
I actually do want to do some backlog catching up, even if it's only a little bit. Been thinking about keeping track of games I finish in 2019, to see if that might help encourage me to stick with a couple of projects without adding more to the stack.
Zarmena Khan
I've hit a bit of a dry spell because a lot of what I wanted to play in recent years I've already managed to knock off my list. The remaining titles either don't have release dates/windows, and if they do, it's not before another couple of months at least. Even then, I'm only left with a few games on my radar. So I've decided to go all the way back to 2013, and go through all PS4 releases I may have overlooked. A lot of them are games that didn't review well but are up my alley. I'm going to start with Murdered: Soul Suspect, and go from there.