Who would have thought we’d still be talking about PS3 in 2019? Well, Sony has not forgotten about the last-gen system and has recently released an update in the form of version 4.84. You can download it immediately. You can check to see if you’re running on the latest version by going to the Settings, then System Settings, and System Information. Which, let’s face it, you probably haven’t updated this system in a while if you’re one of the over 94 million PS4 owners.
Much like the recent PS Vita update, this one isn’t going to blow your socks off or anything. “This system software update improves system performance,” according to the official PlayStation website. Seeing as how many gamers have moved on to the current generation and the PS4 has already outsold the PS3 by around 10 million units, it’s not surprising that this latest update doesn’t include anything substantial.
Sony will probably still support PS3 for a few years to come, but it’s safe to say the system is basically dead. We’re already gearing up for the next generation. If a recent patent is any indication, we may not even need to dust off our PS3s, since PS5 might be backwards compatible for all home console PlayStation games. That might be a little far fetched, so we’ll have to wait to see.
Either way, if you’re still rocking your PS3, go ahead and download the latest firmware update to enjoy some improvements to system performance.
Are you still playing on PS3? Let us know!
[Source: PlayStation.com]
Sony Published PS3 Games
Best Sony Published PS3 Games
Demon's Souls
Published by Sony in Japan, Demon's Souls turned into an unexpected hit for developer FromSoftware. The mysterious, and excruciatingly difficult, action RPG managed to resonate with players. It would lay the groundwork for Dark Souls, where the game's formula would get further refined.
echochrome ii
One of the PlayStation Move's best titles, echochrome ii builds upon the original game's M. C. Escher-inspired puzzles by allowing players to use the controller as a light source.Players can manipulate light and shadows to change how objects are viewed, and thus allow their character to take a different path to finish the level. The game is very difficult, and the player will undoubtedly get stuck on some puzzles, but it ends up being a highly fulfilling experience.
One of the most beautiful games on any system, thatgamecompany's Flower is a sight to behold. Players were able to control the air in order to collect various flower petals, and use them to bring life back into the game's environments. It wasn't particularly complex from a mechanics standpoint, but it did result in one of the most relaxing games to play.
God of War III
While they're not the most technical affairs, players can always count for a bloody good time when they load up a God of War game. God of War III is no different, as it features Kratos going up against Zeus in an epic battle. The action game still looks gorgeous, and it has some of the best boss battles in the series.
Gran Turismo 6
Few racing games can match the level of detail that Gran Turismo 6 provides. The latest entry in Polyphony Digital's series didn't receive as much attention as it normally would due to it launching relatively late into the PS3's lifespan, but those who picked it up were treated to a spectacular driving game. The game also features an incredible amount of licenses, including NASCAR and FIA, which helps it really shine.
Heavy Rain
Not every story beat in Quantic Dream's Heavy Rain is a success, but those that are able to overlook a few rough edges are in for a memorable thriller. Taking inspiration from SAW and other horror films, the interactive drama isn't afraid to put the player in some pretty gruesome scenarios. It all culminates in a satisfying manner, one that'll have you yelling "Jason!" until the credits roll off the screen.
Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds
Players basically know what to expect seven entries into developer Clap Hanz's golfing franchise, and Hot Shots Golf: Out of Bounds doesn't disappoint. The PS3 debut for the goofy series features the same satisfying arcade gameplay, albeit with a new shot system that allows players to use character's swing animations to determine power and accuracy of shots instead of a traditional gauge. The game also featured some great DLC characters, as both Kratos and Sackboy were made available as playable characters.
Sucker Punch Productions' inFAMOUS 2 features all of the electricity-based fun of the original game, but in a much more fun package. This is largely thanks to the game taking place in New Marais, the game's version of New Orleans, which gives the world a tremendous amount of character. Throw in more polished gameplay (and a much better frame rate), and this is an example of a sequel done right.
Released in 2012, Journey is thatgamecompany's masterpiece. Without a single word being said to the player, it manages to tell a captivating story that can be impacted by other players online. It's a truly unique experience, and one that is filled with wonder from beginning to end.
Killzone 3
While Guerrilla Games' Killzone series disappointed on PlayStation 2, it found its footing on PS3. The action all culminated in the excellent Killzone 3, which featured a top-notch campaign, and thrilling multiplayer that was supported with multiple DLC packs. As we said in our review, it truly was "the ultimate ending to a new form of sci-fi epic."
The Last of Us
Naughty Dog had the reputation of being a great developer since the 90s, but The Last of Us really solidified the studio as a legendary one. Featuring an emotional story that isn't afraid to blend right and wrong, their stealth action game takes players on quite the ride. It's the rare zombie game that feels fresh, and is a game that everyone should play.
Before Super Mario Maker had players creating and sharing their levels with friends, LittleBigPlanet set the framework (and had a much better online infrastructure). What makes Media Molecule's platformer special wasn't how it played, but the amount of freedom it offered up to players. It proved that a game's community could offer up the vast majority of worthwhile content for a game if they had the correct tools, and it still stands out as one of the PS3's coolest accomplishments.
MotorStorm: Apocalypse
It took a while for Evolution Studios to reach the true potential of the Motorstorm series, but they finally managed to do just that with the excellent MotorStorm: Apocalypse. Taking full advantage of the destructed environments players race on, Apocalypse features some fantastic track designs that make this the best Motorstorm game.
SCE Japan Studio's Puppeteer is a 2D platformer that is filled with charm. Players fill the role as puppeteer as they control a puppet called Kutaro through a series of stages. It's proof that presentation in games go a long way, and it's particularly great if players have a 3D television, as Puppeteer has some of the most impressive 3D on PlayStation 3.
Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time
A certain Lombax and robot made quite the impact on PS3, with the duo starring in over six titles on the system. While all of them are solid, Ratchet & Clank Future: A Crack in Time is arguably the best of the bunch. Not only does the platformer end the Future trilogy, it also features some of the series' best puzzles and weapons.
Resistance 3
One of the real highlights of the PlayStation 3's library was Insomniac Games' Resistance series. While the series never found huge success commercially, it culminated on a high mark with 2011's Resistance 3. The third installment featured all of the crazy weapons that fans had come to expect from the series, but also a darker, and more violent tone that made the campaign more exciting to play.
One of the PS3's best multiplayer games, Starhawk builds upon Warhawk's third-person shooter gameplay by adding a great real-time strategy element to the action. Beyond piloting mechs and tanks, players will also have to build structures to give their team a competitive edge. It also includes a single-player campaign, and is simply more fleshed out than its predecessor.
Tokyo Jungle
One of the weirdest Sony-published games in recent memory, Tokyo Jungle takes place in a post-apocalyptic Tokyo where all of humanity has vanished. This allows nature to reclaim the city, and players can control dozens of different animals (from dogs to lions) in order to see how their existence has changed. This leads to a harsh survival game that has players feeding on the weak, finding suitable breeding partners, and figuring out what happened to humanity.
Uncharted 2: Among Thieves
After a rocky start, the Uncharted series really hit its stride with Uncharted 2: Among Thieves. Naughty Dog's second crack at the formula resulted in a vastly better game that featured a more entertaining story, improved gameplay, and some of the most memorable set-pieces in gaming history. It's a modern-day classic, and Nathan Drake's best outing.
WipEout HD
One of the best racing games on PlayStation 3, WipEout HD was a huge graphical update of PSP titles WipEout Pure and Pulse. Seeing these already great tracks with an extra layer of visual shine was great, but it was the series' signature fast-paced futuristic racing that made this a must-own title. Those who missed out on it can soon relive the action on PS4 via the WipEout Omega Collection.