Two Reddit users who go by the names of Jaccku010 and temporyal, have datamined Battlefield V and discovered files that show a new tank, as well as vehicle variants that are currently not available to players. Jaccku010 found 3D models for the new tank, and three new vehicle variants (without textures). While temporyal found a new variant for a tank that was not used within the final build of the game. This new tank variant offers a good look into the sort of thing that could have made it into the game when playing on desert maps. Hopefully options like these have not been taken off of the table entirely. More vehicles, with more customization options for them, is never a bad thing in a series like Battlefield which is known for its large scale vehicle warfare.
Jaccku010‘s datamined files for the vehicle variants are as follows:

T17E2 (Staghound AA): The T17E2 was an T17E1 fitted with a Frazer-Nash-designed turret mounting two 0.5 inch M2 Browning heavy machine guns. The turrets were built in the US for British Motor Torpedo Boats. Redesign of the turret and mounting was carried out. 2,610 rounds were carried. The turret was open-topped and had an electric-hydraulic traverse system with a maximum slew rate of 55 degrees a second. It had a reduced crew of 3: commander/gunner, loader and driver.

T17E3: T17E1 fitted with the turret of 75 mm Howitzer Motor Carriage M8, carrying the 75mm M2/M3 howitzer. This was trialed in December 1943, but never reached production.

Sd. Kfz. 251/17: Schützenpanzerwagen (2 cm). Anti-aircraft vehicle armed with a 2 cm KwK38 on a pedestal mounting with a small armored turret to protect the gunner. Late war, it was issued as a platoon commander’s vehicle to replace the Sd.Kfz. 251/10.
As mentioned above, Jaccku010 also found the Panzerjager 38(t) when datamining the game’s files. Have a look for yourself!

Reddit user temporyal‘s datamining efforts yielded some interesting results as well. Check out the alternate variant for the British Churchill AVRE, which features desert camo (complete with vegetation), barbed wire, and sandbags.
As always when it comes to datamined assets, don’t expect to see these added into the game any time soon. There is nothing guaranteeing that the new tank and vehicle variants are coming to Battlefield V as DLC.
What do you think of the datamined tank and vehicle variants? Would you ever want to see these in Battlefield V? Let us know in the comments below!