oninaki free demo

Try Out Square Enix’s Oninaki Demo Now

Oninaki, from I am Setsuna developer Tokyo RPG Factory, will launch late this coming August. In a move to seemingly generate excitement and allow gamers to familiarize themselves with what’s in the cards, Square Enix has launched a demo for the title. The free trial, which weighs a touch over 2GB on the PlayStation 4, is currently available to download on every device on which it will launch—the PS4, Nintendo Switch, and PC.

Oninaki’s demo offers players a good chunk of the title’s content. It consists of both the Story Mode and Battle Mode. The former allows those who download the free demo to explore Oninaki’s opening section. Battle Mode will entrench players in the game’s combat, as they take on an upgraded character who’s been possessed by four daemons. In addition, players will be able to transfer their save progress from the demo to the full game when it releases next month.

Square Enix announced news of the demo’s recent release on its official Twitter page. Check out the tweet in question in the post below:

In Oninaki, players assume the role of a Watcher, someone responsible for guiding departed and Lost souls to the realm in which they belong. Furthermore, Watchers are tasked with safeguarding “the Living World and the Beyond.”

Oninaki will launch on August 22nd for the PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, and PC on Steam. The latest Tokyo RPG title will receive a physical edition, though it won’t come stateside. Preorders for it are currently live on Play-Asia.

[Source: Square Enix on Twitter]

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