Call of duty modern warfare

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare Narrative Director Hints That a Story Trailer Is Coming

Infinity Ward’s Narrative Director Taylor Kurosaki seems to be hinting at an upcoming story trailer for Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. The game is coming to PS4 on October 25 and we’ve seen a whole lot about its multiplayer, but the studio has been very quiet in regard to the game’s single-player offerings. Aside from the bits and pieces shown in the reveal, more broad campaign footage has not been shown to the public.

In a series of tweets from Kurosaki, the developer responds to some Twitter users about a new story mode trailer. Of course, he could just be teasing them. But considering the game is out in a little under two months, fans are rightfully eager to see the broader scope of Infinity Ward’s take on the next single-player campaign in the series.

Infinity Ward is hoping to have a multitude of memorable moments scattered throughout the campaign in Call of Duty: Modern Warfare. Games in the Modern Warfare series have plenty of iconic single-player missions that fans often reflect back on. According to previous announcements, the campaign will be a lot darker featuring a more realistic take on terrorism. Playtesters also reportedly cried while they were playing the game.

Call of Duty: Modern Warfare’s multiplayer offerings are also seeing a shakeup from the series norm. Infinity Ward has gone as far as confirming 64 and even over 100-player matches. Additionally, there will be plenty of other modes like the conventional 12-player, two versus two, and a 20 versus 20 mode. For the first time in the series’ history, Infinity Ward is also included cross-play between PS4, PC, and Xbox One. Furthermore, the studio has opted out of the conventional season pass and will be sharing more details about microtransactions in-game ahead of launch.

If the single-player campaign plays as well as the multiplayer then fans definitely have a lot to be excited about. Hopefully, Infinity Ward won’t make fans wait too much longer to see a trailer of some sort.

[Source: Taylor Kurosaki via Charlie Intel]

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