New Kingdom Hearts

Square Enix Hiring for New Kingdom Hearts Game

If you’ve yet to get your fill of Disney characters yelling anime tropes and dramatically looking off in the distance, then good news, Square Enix has more Kingdom Hearts on the way. Originally discovered by the Kingdom Hearts Union Twitter account, Square Enix’s Osaka team has put out a notice that they are looking to fill three different roles at their studio. Specifically, they’re looking for a UI Designer, an Effect Designer, and a Technical Artist. All three listings mention working on an HD entry to the Kingdom Hearts series. All three roles go further to mention that the applicant would “need knowledge of developing for the PlayStation 4 and the Xbox One,” suggesting that this new entry won’t be a mobile game but an actual console game. The Effect Designer listing also specifically mentions the Unreal Engine 4’s cascade tool, which is the same engine that Kingdom Hearts III was developed on.

While this means Square Enix is working on more Kingdom Hearts, we’re not quite sure what exactly this will be. There’s a chance some of the work may be on the upcoming Re:MIND DLC for Kingdom Hearts III, which is going to be adding in more story elements and boss fights when it comes out sometime this winter. There’s also a chance it could be Kingdom Hearts IV, especially since the secret ending to Kingdom Hearts III had some tantalizing treats about the future of the franchise. We also know that, while the Xehanort saga is over, there are plans for the future. Knowing the Kingdom Hearts franchise though, there’s an equally likely chance this will be the first of several spin-off games that will add in more plot details that may or may not be necessary but will certainly be confusing.

In the meantime, you can read our review of Kingdom Hearts III to get an idea if you’re going to want to be excited for more entries to the series, and then join the debate on if Xion is the best character of the series or the worst character.

[Source: Twitter]

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