Ghost Recon Breakpoint Survey

50% of Players Want AI Teammates Added to Ghost Recon Breakpoint, According to Survey

Following the lukewarm reception of Ghost Recon Breakpoint, developer Ubisoft vowed to implement changes to ensure the high level of quality fans expect from the series. Recently, a survey went out to identify what the most-requested features are, and the results are in. Most notably, with 50% of the votes, the highest-requested feature is the implementation of AI teammates, along with 35% of fans wanting the removal of gear score and tiered loot. Ubisoft notes that some requested features will take time to add, advising the community to be patient in the meantime.

Another heavily criticized aspect of Ghost Recon Breakpoint is the fact that it requires an internet connection to play. 30% of those surveyed requested the removal of online requirements.

Ubisoft will also continue to focus on bug-fixes, assuring the community it remains a top priority for the team. Much of the game’s criticisms fall into this category, with technical issues running rampant in many facets of Ghost Recon Breakpoint.

In terms of additional content, over 60% of those surveyed requested new weapons, while over 50% desire more character and gunsmith customization options. 40% of players also want new enemy types to be added, with a whopping 70% asking for new story content.

Below, you’ll find a list of the most-requested features with the percentage of players that voted for each one:


  • Add AI teammates: 50+%
  • Remove gear score and tiered loot: 35+%
  • Enemy AI improvements: 35+%
  • See all Weapons/gear at once: 35+%
  • Remove online requirements: 30+%


  • New story content: 70+%
  • New weapons: 60+%
  • More character customization: 50+%
  • More gunsmith customization: 50+%


  • Vehicle handling improvements: 25+%
  • Adjust survival elements: 25+%
  • In-game economy: 25+%
  • Base-jump improvements: 20+%
  • Menu interface improvements: 20+%
  • Ability to deactivate other players in Erewhon: 15+%
  • Camera improvement: 15+%
  • Ability to sprint in Erewhon: 15+%
  • Respawn system improvements: 15+%


  • New Enemy types: 40+%
  • GPS system on TacMap: 30+%
  • New skills: 30+%
  • New customization gear/items: 30+%
  • Raids: 20+%
  • Compass in HUD: 20+%
  • New vehicles: 15+%
  • New PvP content: 15+%

The survey isn’t a guarantee that all of these elements will be added, changed, or fixed, but it helps give Ubisoft a more clear path forward as they work to rebuild Ghost Recon Breakpoint into a game the fans can enjoy.

[Source: Ubisoft]

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