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Bethesda: Fallout 76 Experienced ‘Some Rocky Times’ in 2019 but Is ‘Bigger, More Stable’ Than Ever Before

Bethesda Game Studios has said that although Fallout 76 experienced “some rocky times” this year, it’s now “bigger, more stable, and more fun than ever before.”

Looking back at the game’s journey through 2019, the developer said that it’s proud of what it has achieved while working closely with the community – from fixing “thousands” of issues to making meaningful quality of life improvements.

“2019 was just the beginning, and our biggest update [Wastelanders] is still yet to come,” wrote Bethesda. “The truth is that this Fall, we all thought we’d be playing Wastelanders together, making new friends and enemies with NPCs. It was a difficult decision to delay to 2020, but it was the right one for the game, and for everyone who plays. We’ll have a better, more polished game next year as a result, one that will take us on new adventures together.”

Back in October, Wastelanders was delayed to Q1 2020. Bethesda said that it turned out to be one of the biggest expansions the developer has ever made and that it needs additional time to make it “the best, most polished update it can be.” A release date was not announced.

Despite a rocky launch, the studio continued to update Fallout 76 with new content and patches throughout 2019 and said that it has plans to grow next year. “We have much more planned even beyond Wastelanders!” Bethesda teased while thanking fans for their continued support.

We’ll update our readers when Wastelanders has a release date.

For more on Fallout 76, check out our previous coverage.

[Source: Bethesda]

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