deadpool fortnite

Deadpool is Coming to Fortnite, Because It Was Bound to Happen Eventually

Some things in life are inevitable: Death, taxes, fighting with your family over politics or religion, and Disney characters coming to Fortnite. The last time another franchise’s characters came to the battle royale shooter’s shores it was to do a cross-over event with Star Wars: Rise of Skywalker (which may or may not have been a good thing once players actually saw the movie). But 2020 is a new year, and with it comes new adventures in the land of Fortnite. Now is the time of Deadpool. The announcement isn’t a surprise, as observant players came across Deadpool-related challenges and content during the start of the current season. The man himself went to his official Twitter to make the crossover announcement, along with some good, old fashioned Deadpool graffiti.

While little is available by way of details, we do know that April 3 will see Deadpool, his assorted accouterment of Mexican cuisine, and more drop down onto the island. While a skin seems like a sure thing in regards to potential content, past Marvel/Fortnite crossovers leave the door open for a potential wealth of modes and changes to the ever-shifting island. The timing of the announcement is interesting, given the character’s current limbo in the aftermath of the Fox buyout by Disney and a third film in the popular Deadpool movie franchise seemingly not in the works.

Is this a sign of more things to come? A portent of ill-winds perhaps? Or is Deadpool just bored like the rest of us in a quarantined world and looking for some new friends? Mr. Pool couldn’t be reached for comment, but his voicemail did say something about washing your hands for at least twenty seconds by humming the old ’90s X-Men cartoon theme to yourself.

Such a nice guy.

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