fallout 76 fortifying atlas

Come Together as a Community in the Fallout 76 Fortifying Atlas Event

Dateline: Summer 2020 and the metal menace returns to terrify a post-apocalyptic Appalachia once more! The last we heard about the Brotherhood of Steel was that the faction and its story would be making a return after the release of the Fallout 76 Seasons patch, and now the slow march of potential war rolls ever forward. The Fallout 76 Fortifying Atlas event will encourage players to band together by donating supplies much like Blizzard did with its World of Warcraft’s Gates of Ahn’Qiraj event so many moons ago (and subsequently Bungie has done for a number of Destiny 2 events). Running from now until September, Fortifying Atlas will tell the story of Appalachia preparing for the Brotherhood and its raid on the Atlas Observatory.

“The Brotherhood of Steel has set their sights on Appalachia and a man named Russel Dorsey believes they’re en route to the ATLAS Observatory. Join a community-wide effort to construct this prospective base for the Brotherhood and unlock a themed outfit, and C.A.M.P. decorations, including your own Brotherhood Collectron,” says Bethesda’s official events website for Fallout 76. The project will involve players donating various types of materials in order to unlock progress, as well as new rewards. This includes Brotherhood of Steel-themed clothes, camp items, and even unlocking extra dailies and challenges later on in the event. The event it running right now, with players being asked to donate steel through August 7th, before switching to concrete and other materials later. Check back regularly to see what step the community is on.

Where does all of this lead? No word yet from Bethesda, but it has long-hinted at the Brotherhood being a potentially bad thing for everyone in the Appalachian wastes, whether you’re a goodie or a baddie. From my experience, stuff tends to get shot and/or exploded when the Brotherhood is around and they don’t quite care who is the one being exploded or shot.

So get out there, donate some materials to the cause, and prepare yourself for the horrors of war. Um, I mean, if you’re done preparing yourself for the horrors of nuclear apocalypse, that is.

[Source: Bethesda]

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