demons souls camera

Demon’s Souls Camera Changed for Remake, But Players Will Be Able to Use Old Camera

With the Demon’s Souls remake, Bluepoint Games has made a few adjustments to what fans may remember from the original PlayStation 3 version. One such revision revolves around the camera. Players will notice the camera position has slightly shifted for the remake. There are undoubtedly players, however, who will want to experience the old way of doing things with Demon’s Souls‘ new coat of paint. To that end, Bluepoint promises an option is in place to use the old camera for those who want it.

Creative Director Gavin Moore divulged as much in a recent interview with IGN.  In speaking about respecting the original but adding in “modern-day life improvements,” Moore explained,

When we decided to have a look at the camera, for instance… we changed the camera position slightly, and we made sure that it doesn’t run through the walls and get stuck on collision and all those sorts of things. That doesn’t mean that we don’t have an option in the game so you can turn on the old camera if you want to. You can do that. We preserve all of that. It all exists there for the user to switch on and off as they wish.

He additionally mentioned the balancing act Bluepoint had to perform, preserving the experience that longtime fans hold dear, while also creating a game that newer players can appreciate. Moore told IGN,

The thing for us is you have to remember that the way you played the game 11 years ago is not the way you imagined the game. You imagine it completely different. We had to basically create the game as the way that the players of the original PlayStation 3 version imagined it to be. And then, at the same time, make sure that we created a game the new generation of gamers could enjoy and love as well.

The Demon’s Souls remake comes to PlayStation 5 next month on November 12th. PS5 itself launches that same day in North America. It hits store shelves in Europe the following week on November 19th.

[Source: IGN]

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